Flirting at a Wedding

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Harry: It was your college dorm mate’s wedding and she asked you to be a bridesmaid. You happily agreed because she was like a sister to you and you thought your other dorm mates would be there. They weren’t. So at the reception, you were left alone, standing awkwardly near the wine and desserts bar, sipping on your glass every once in a while. You would ask for a refill as soon as you’re done with your glass, but when you asked for a refill for the nth time, the bartender instead gave you a slice of cake. As soon as you started eating your cake though, someone approaches you, an iPhone on his hand. You recognize him. Harry Styles. He smiles at you, and you notice how deep his dimple was. Cute. "Hi," he shyly says. “Would it be alright for me to take a Vine of you chinching?" “Excuse me?" He laughs. “Oh sorry. Chinching is uh… biting things the way a chinchilla does." You reluctantly agree, but you say, “Would you mind showing me how to… chinch? I’m not sure I’ll get it right." He laughs again and takes your cake from you, and he hands you his phone. “Would you Vine me doing it? Just a second would do." So he pretends to nibble on your cake while you recorded him. You were giggling when you hand him back his phone and he gives you your cake. You chinch and he records you, and when you were done, he stares at you for a while, before he covers his face and say, “You’re so cute." He extends his hand and laughs. “I’m Harry." You shake his hand. "(Y/N)."

Liam: Your cousin, the bride, and her groom have worked in the music industry for quite a while, and have gained quite a handful of celebrity friends. (G/N) was close to One Direction, but he was closest to Liam Payne. They were all invited, but only Liam was in the entourage. You were too, but you weren’t partnered with him, because you were almost half a foot shorter than him (You were instead partnered with your cousin’s little brother, not that you minded). During the reception, as you were mingling with your family, you feel someone tap your shoulder, so you turn around and you see Louis Tomlinson smiling at you. “Hi. Liam, my friend, thinks you’re fit as a bird, but he’s too shy to tell you.” He then points his finger to the table where the boys were, and Liam looked like he was trying to hide himself. Louis chuckles. “See? Would you be a darling and come with me to our table so he can finally tell you himself?” Before you could even answer, Louis holds your arm and pulls you to their table. When Liam sees you coming, he stands up from his chair and smiles shyly. Louis pats his back before pushing him towards you, and he goes back to his seat, leaving the two of you. “Hi. I’m Liam.” “(Y/N). Is what he said true? That you think I’m…” He laughs sheepishly and rubs his nape nervously. “Yeah. Would it be alright for me to ask you for a dance maybe? Or a drink?” “A dance would be nice.” Louis then interrupts, “I think so, too. Gives you two reason to touch each other.”

Louis: On the throwing of the bouquet, you successfully catch the bouquet. The bride, who was your best friend, was ecstatic when she saw that you caught it, because since when you were young, she’s always paired you up with boys, but you never seem to like them at all. When the groom finally took the garter off the bride, she whispers something into his ear, and he nods his head. The groomsmen gathered in front of the groom, shoving each other playfully because they wanted to catch the garter. Louis Tomlinson, (G/N)’s cousin, was in front of the crowd, standing proudly, sure he’d catch the garter. He’s been eyeing you since the start of the wedding, and he’s determined to catch the garter. He did. And he was grinning at you when he knelt in front of you to slip the garter on your leg. You cover face, blushing as the people cheered. He teasingly slips the garter as slowly as possible, getting hollers from the men in the room. He stops when the garter reaches your knee and stands up, offering his hand for you to take. You take it, and he pulls you up to stand beside you, then bowing in front of the audience. You didn’t know what else to do, so you bowed with him. He doesn’t let go of your hand, and instead he leads you to the side. “This is why I love weddings. I’m Louis, by the way. You’re (Y/N), right?” You nod you head. “Now let me get you a drink, and have the chance to get to know each other. I’ll have you know that I don’t just slip-and-run.”

Niall: You didn’t like to go to weddings, mainly because you hated wearing puffy coordinated dresses, but it was your sister getting married, and you didn’t want to disappoint her, so you agreed to be her bridesmaid. Now, you’re at the desserts section at the reception, choosing which dessert to choose. You’ve always been a sweet tooth, so it’s hard to choose which one you’ll eat first. You didn’t want to seem like a pig, so you tried to restrain yourself by trying to get as little as possible. When you were about to get a key lime tart, you hear someone behind you say, “Wouldn’t get that if I were you. Shat myself sick when I ate that before. Pretty sure the one I had was made by the same catering service.” You thank the person, and he moves to stand beside you. “You’re (Y/N), right? (B/N)’s sister? I’m Niall, (G/N)’s friend.” He then points at a chocolate cupcake. “This one’s good.” He gets a piece and holds it out for you, waiting for you to take a bite. You awkwardly bite on the pastry, and you smile, actually enjoying the taste of the cupcake. His smile grew wider when he saw you enjoying it. He eats the remainder of the pastry and gets a different one, placing it on your plate while he explains why he likes the pastry. You ended up with a full plate of desserts and a good-looking Irishman as your co-pastry enthusiast.

Zayn: Lou and Tom got married and you and Zayn were chosen to be part of the entourage. Though Zayn’s always been a touchy person when it comes to you, he’s extremely touchy today. He would keep his hands on your waist or thigh and would only remove it when he’d leave to get you a drink or go to the loo. It got to the point where he would pull you to him and make you sit on his lap. He would press kisses on your neck and ear, and that’s when you’d try to stop him. “Zayn, people are watching.” He nuzzles his face on your hair. “Let them watch.” You let him be, because you know how stubborn he could be. Before the two of you leave however, he says, “I want to get married.” You laugh, thinking he was joking, but he tightens his grip on your waist. “I’m not joking. Let’s get married.” You were quiet, shocked a what he said, so he continues. “I don’t have a ring right now, but I can get one first thing tomorrow. We don’t have to have a grand wedding. Was thinking of inviting our family and closest friends. I know how much you like the botanical garden in Bradford. We can get married there. But if you want a big wedding, we can have one. I know people who can help it happen as soon as we want it. Or do you want it in Venice? I know people-” “I like the garden in Bradford. We can look for our rings tomorrow. Would it be alright if we have the wedding next month though? My sister’s work is pretty hectic this month and I don’t want her to miss our wedding.” He places his lips on your neck, and you can feel his smile on your skin. “Next month’s fine.”

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