He can't have kids part 1

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Liam: “What do you mean I can’t have kids?” You and Liam sat in the doctor’s office just finding out the results. You guys had been trying to have kids for 3 months now, and nothing was happening. So your doctor suggested doing a sperm count, and Liam’s was apparently low. “Your sperm count is very low. The chances of you having kids is less than 2%. I’m sorry Mr. Payne.” You nodded your head, looking over to see Liam not taking this so well. “Thank you.” You grabbed his hand and walked him outside. He still hadn’t said a word. “Liam.....it’s going to be okay.” But he shook his head. “We were suppose to get married and have a family of our own. I wanted kids with you (Y/N). But now what?” You thought about this. You had always believed in adoption and felt that would be the best choice, but then he suggested something else. “What if we get a sperm donor?”

Niall: “I can’t have kids anyways, it’s okay babe. I don’t need that.” You guys were in the bedroom getting ready to make love when he said that. You’d been with him for 1 year and had never heard of this. “What?” You were shocked. He looked away sheepishly. “I wanted to tell you but I didn’t want to scare you away. I just can’t have kids.” He wouldn’t make eye contact with you. “Niall..” Slowly crawling over to him, you put your hand under his chin and made him look at you. There were tears in his eyes. “Whether you can have kids or not, I still love you.” You gave him the most loving smile and could see him crack a little. “But I want kids with you, I just wish I could.” A random idea popped in your head and you thought it was crazy, but maybe Ni would go for it.

Harry: “I’m sorry to tell you this, but because of your recurring cancer, I would advise you not to try and have kids.” Your hand gripped to Harry’s as you could feel his going weak. Yes, Harry had prostate cancer, but it was gone. So why couldn’t you do this? “But I want kids. There has to be a way.” The doctor looked at both of you and then closed Harry’s file. “Look, this is just somethings to think about. Of course there is always adoption.....” You looked at Harry and he sort of shook his head. “I want them to be my own.” “Okay then, how bout this? You can have someone donate their sperm and (Y/N) can carry the baby. It will have some of her features, but of course have also whoever donates it.” It was something you would’ve never thought of, but from the look on Harry’s face, he was thinking about it. “Thank you doc, we’ll think about it.” Harry was quiet as you walked out and he kept shaking his head. “What if we do that?” “Are you serious? Someone else’s sperm in me? I don’t know Harry.” You started to walk away but he grabbed your hand. “What if it was one of the boys?”

Zayn: “Even though your diabetes are being handled well, there’s an 80% chance your child will have it as well. That’s just something to think about.” Those words kept going through his mind as he came home from his doctor’s appointment. You and him had started talking about children and he wanted to check with his doctor and see if that was okay. But hearing that? Knowing what he went through with diabetes as an adult, it would be ten times harder for a child to go through it. “Babe, we need to talk.” You came into the kitchen and saw his saddened face. “What’s wrong?” “I went to the doctors. I asked him about us having kids.........and he told me they have a high risk of developing diabetes.” You went over and sat next to him holding his hand. “What are you trying to tell me Zayn? You don’t want kids? Because whether they get it or not, we will make it work...” He started to shake his head. “I know what it feels like. I would never want this to happen to any of my children.” Tears came to your eyes as his words broke you. “I’m sorry (Y/N)..” He was about to hug you when Niall walked in. Seeing Niall gave him some type of clarity for some reason, and he knew immediately an idea he wanted to test.

Louis: “Before we go any further, I need to tell you something.” You looked to Lou as he sat beside you with a worried look on his face. You had been dating now for 7 months and you guys were going to make it official. “Okay, shoot.” “When I was younger, I got into a bad accident and after that, I was given the choice of taking a medication that would later on infect my infertility. At that age, I told myself I was never going to have kids, so I took the pills. So I just wanted to tell you that I can’t have kids. And I know you want them, but I can’t give you them. I understand if you want to leave me...” His eyes looked down to the ground, not being able to look at your reaction. Yes you wanted kids, but just because he couldn’t have them didn’t mean you were going to leave him. There was always other options. “Lou...I’m not going to leave you.” His eyes came back up to yours and he let out a deep breath. “Thank God...I’m just sorry that’s one thing I can’t give you.” You smiled at his generosity and kissed his cheek. “It’s okay babe, I’m sure we’ll figure something out.”

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