Baby It's cold outside

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Niall: He pulled back the curtain and looked at the snow outside. It was falling faster now, the street and grass completely covered. You wouldn’t be able to leave until morning now. He smiled in delight. You were standing by the fire, fingers held to the flames as the light danced across your skin turning it rose gold. Niall was happy for this unexpected snow storm because there was no way he could let you go now. Not when you looked like an angel in his living room. “Look how bad it’s snowing!” He called, waving you to the window. You walked over and frowned, looking at the rapid accumulation. “I was just about to say I have to go.” Niall grinned, his arms wrapping around your waist. “Sorry, baby, but I think you’re stuck with me tonight.” You smiled, honestly, you didn’t mind that you had to stay with Niall. In fact, you were quite looking forward to it. He looked like a small child on Christmas with the new found knowledge he’d get to spend the night with you. “Let’s get you changed, babe.” He led you into his room and handed you some of his clothes. You dressed, pressing your nose into the fabric. It smelt like Niall; warm, sweet with the soft fragrance of his cologne. He watched you, his eyes scanning the smooth skin of your back and the smile that came on your face as you wrapped his clothes around you. Damn, damn he thought to himself. He was falling for you so hard and so fast. You met him back down stairs where he waited with two mugs of coca and a blanket. He lifted it in invitation and pulled you into his chest. “Better stay close, baby, it’s cold outside.”  

Zayn: He blew his hot breath on your fingers, his lips grazing your skin. You shivered, and it wasn’t just from the cold. He smiled as he breathed on you, his chocolate eyes warm from the porch light. The snow was falling behind him and framed like that, well, Zayn took your breath away. “Better, yeah?” He asked tucking them beneath the blanket. The porch swing bowed and swayed as he pushed off, sending you both rocking. There was mulled wine at your feet, adding extra warmth to your cold bodies. It was the first snow of the season and Zayn didn’t want to miss it. He lured you outside, bundled up and oh so cozy in one of his jumpers. At first you didn’t understand why he wanted to sit outside, but he started talking and then you understood. “This one time when I was just about five, I think,” he began, his eyes watching the snow. “I took my moms perfume cause I liked the smell, you know, and I had been having bad nightmares. So I sprayed it on my pillow so when I laid down it was like, you know, she was there with me. I didn’t have monsters in my dream that night. So I stole the bottle and kept it, convinced that it would give me sweet dreams.” He laughed, eyes bright. Zayn didn’t often tell stories like that so when he did, you drank them in in deep, greedy gulps. “And now? How do you keep the bad dreams away?” He grinned, slinging his arm behind you. “I have you, baby. All my dreams are sweet.”

Liam: “I’ve had it!” You shrieked, blood pressure rising. Liam was leaning against the kitchen counter, arms folded across his chest. “I can’t take it. I feel like I can’t even make you happy!” His eyes were quiet as he looked at you, and it only infuriated you more that he looked amused by your outburst. “I can’t take it. I’m leaving.” That did grab his attention. His eyes widened and he unfolded himself, watching you turn on your heel and marching out the front door. I’m your anger and in your haste, you’d forgotten you jacket. Your sneakers crunched through the snow, soaking your jeans and socks. “Shit,” you muttered, wrapping your arms around yourself. Your shirt was thin and the bite of the winter wind easily wiggled through, it’s icy fingers grabbing at your skin. “Baby, baby!” Liam was running behind you, a jacket in his arms. You ignored him and kept walking hoping he didn’t notice how badly you were shaking. “You’re going to get sick babe, come on.” He finally caught up to you and grabbed your arm. “I’m sorry okay, I’m sorry. I was being an ass and I know it. You do make me happy, happier than I ever thought. Please, your freezing.” You slid into the jacket and he relaxed. “Baby, it’s so cold outside. Come on,” he held out his hand and in that moment you knew it was more than him just asking you to come with him, it was also a way of him apologizing and needing you. You slid your hand into his and he kissed it, walking back through the snow with you.

Louis: “I can’t feel my toes.” Your teeth were chattering too and Louis laughed, helping you shrug off your jacket. You’d spent the last hour outside having the most massive snowball and snowman competition known to man. You had won both, even though Louis had said you didn’t. You knew you did, he was just being petty. “Serves you right,” he said kissing your frozen nose. “Beating up on your man that way.” You smiled, using the ends of his scarf to pull him to your lips. He smiled, his cold fingers running along the bottom of your sweater as he kissed you. “Too cold, too cold,” you protested pulling away. You shed the rest of your wet gear and Louis pulled you upstairs and into the shower. He let the bathroom steam before he tugged you under the hot spray. He used his hands to rub the knots in your shoulders, and his mouth to warm your skin the rest of the way. The water felt divine against your frozen skin. You sucked the water off Louis’ neck, earning a groan from him. “I want to put on my warmest clothes and hide under the covers with you,” he said turning off the water. So that’s what you did. The duvet felt wonderful, and now with his warm hands, Louis explored your skin. “Still beat up?” You cooed, pecking his nose. “I’m hurting,” he pouted looking oh so pretty with his fringe in his eyes. “Here, let me make it better,” with a wink you slid beneath the covers, your mouth moving down his stomach to where he wanted you most.

Harry: “Aaaaarrgghhhhh!” He yelled, his boots sliding on ice. The snow was falling so thick you had to squint to see the front door. “Harry!” You screamed partly laughing, your breath barely able to rise through the flakes. “Get inside!” He made it to the door, the bags dangling from his hand. Carefully, you made your way inside. “Quick! Snow day procedures!” You bellowed taking off your jacket. Harry dropped the bags and shuffled out of the room, kicking off his boots and jackets in the process. “I’ve got the blankets!” He shouted from your room. “I’ve got the tea!” You screamed back, putting the kettle on. “Meet you in 5!” He hollered back, stomping around up stairs. You ran into the living room and turned on the TV, quickly and easily finding a Christmas movie. You lit the candle on the coffee table and dashed back into the kitchen to fix the tea. You heard Harry make his way down the stairs just as you were leaving the kitchen. “I’m gunna beat you,” he said and took off towards the living room. You let out a peal of laughter and chased him, sliding the tea on the table as you dove on the couch. He fell beside you, the blanket draping you in the process. “I win!” You said at the same time, chests heaving and both laughing. “No way I totally was here first!” He exclaimed, his fingers tickling your sides. He pushed you down into the cushions, his lips and fingers teasing your skin. “I am going to stay here all day,” he said between fits of laughter “and hold you and keep you warm,” his fingers stopped tickling but his mouth latched into yours. “Cause baby,” he said ruefully, eyes bright. “It’s cold outside,”

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