He can't have kids part 2

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LIAM: “From a person we know nothing about? No thank you.” You walked around the car to get into the driver’s seat and opened the door. Liam followed and got in the passenger seat. “Babe c’mon, just think about it.” You looked over at him and let out a short laugh. “You’re serious about this aren’t you?” He just nodded his head. His face showed he was determined to get you to agree. “I’ll think about it.” You started the car and drove away. When you got home Harry was sitting your living room waiting for you guys to get back. “Hey Haz.” “Hey, how’d the appointment go?” Harry stood up and came to greet you guys. You took off into the kitchen to get a drink while Liam explained to him what happened. Pouring yourself something strong, they walked into the kitchen and Harry’s face was saddened. “I’m sorry you guys. I know you really wanted kids.” You took a drink and looked at Liam. “And tell him your genius plan Liam.” You said it sarcastically so that Harry would come to see how stupid this idea was. “I was thinking of getting a sperm donor. I know adoption is an option, but I want this kid to be ours somehow. And if we get a sperm donor, (Y/N)’s blood and features will still be apart of the baby.” You stood there waiting for Harry to tell him this was stupid, but instead he stood there with his hand under his chin actually think about it. “You’re kidding right? You’re not actually thinking about this Haz?!” He looked to you then back to Liam. “What if I do it?” Your heart skipped a beat and you didn’t even notice you were laughing. But Liam’s face lit up like it was such a good idea. Oh god... “You would do that?” “Well yeahh, of course. I want to help in any way, and if this is how I can help, then I will.” Liam smiled and hugged him, then looked to you. But you just stood there shocked that Harry was actually okay with this.

NIALL: You didn’t know how to say it without sounding stupid, but it came out anyways. “Here’s a crazy idea....what if I were to get inseminated?” He looked to your questionably. “Inseminated.......?” “Ugh, a sperm donor Niall, sperm donor.” His face came to realization and he looked taken aback. He scrunched his nose and shook his head. “Hell no.” “What do you mean ‘hell no’. It’s a great idea babe.” “Yeahh and whose sperm are you going to use? What are you gonna do? Go out and find the sexiest looking lad who will make your babies look cute?” You laughed at that. “Are you jealous Niall?” He just raised his eyebrows. “No babe, that’s not what I meant. I mean.......the lads love you right????” He could see where you were going with this. “Oh no.....no no no no no!” He got out of bed and put his clothes back on. You actually whined at him. “Why not!?” Just then the doorbell rang. He was happy to go and answer it. While you were getting dressed, you could Lou’s voice downstairs. Walking downstairs, you were sad that Niall didn’t think your idea was good. “Hey (Y/N)....what’s wrong?” You glared at Niall and walked away. They went back to talking as you went into the kitchen. “Are you serious?!” You could tell that it was Niall who said that and you came running out worried. “What happened?” But when you saw them, they were just standing there and Lou had a smile on his face, while Niall’s was starting to turn red. “This boy actually agrees with you for christ's sakes.” You looked at Lou and he walked over to you. “May I just say, I would gladly volunteer myself for this. If you would have me.” You had never heard Lou talk like that, but you were getting happy about what he had just said. But as you looked to Niall, he was shaking his head.

HARRY: “And they’re just going to agree to this?” You were stunned that he even suggested one of the boys do this. “Well, I mean they know what I’m going through. They’ll know how much this means to me, to us.” “Okay and just who are you going to choose?” He stood there and ran through his options. His eyebrows raised and he looked at you smiling. “I think Zayn would be perfect.” You threw your hands up frustrated that he was really into this idea. “I thought you were joking! Zayn?! Really? What are you going to do? Walk up to him like ‘hey man I’m really glad you’re my mate and if you really love me you’ll donate your sperm so I can have kids thanks’.” He shrugged his shoulders and nodded his head. “So so. Look. We’ll just sit down with him and I’ll ask him okay?” You still couldn’t wrap your head around this. You knew you really wanted kids, but this was just too much. But Harry really wanted this, so you were willing to do anything for him. “Fine.” “Yay!” He hugged you then pulled away so he could call Zayn. Back at your house, Zayn had shown up 30 minutes ago and you guys were just laughing and talking, easing him into this. But Harry finally grew serious. “Mate, there’s something I wanted to ask you.” You sat there frozen, waiting for him to ask this of Zayn, and waiting to see his reaction. “Okay.” Zayn sat back and drank his beer. Harry set his down and intertwined his fingers. “I went to the doctor’s today..” “Is the cancer back?” Zayn became worried. “No no mate, no.” Zayn released a deep breath and smiled. “I went and the doctor advised me that it would not be wise to try and have kids, because of the radiation from the chemo and the pills........but he brought up a good suggestion. And I was wondering if you’d be the one for this....” Zayn pursed his lips and nodded his head. “Anything lad, what is it?” “Um.......I would need you to be a sperm donor...” Zayn seemed to freeze for a moment really looking at Harry then you. You shrugged your shoulders and he looked to Harry. Zayn let out a short laugh and set his beer down. He got up and stood in front of you guys. He stuck his hand out to Harry and nodded his head. “I’d be more than happy to do that for you mate.”

ZAYN: “Niall! Mate, what are you doing right now?” Niall seemed surprised by Zayn’s question and just raised his eyebrows. “About to eat your whole damn refrigerator, why what’s up?” He came and sat down at the table with you guys and threw his orange up in the air. “You like kids don’t you?” Niall laughed and smiled at you guys. “Yeahh why? You guys gonna finally have some?” “That’s the thing.....I can’t mate.” He stopped throwing the orange and looked at Zayn apologetically. “I’m sorry bro..that’s terrible.” “Well I mean I can, but they’d have a high risk of having diabetes, and I don’t want them to get this.” “Thoughtful thinking lad.” “So then hear this.......what do you think about being our sperm donor..” Your eyes lit up from shock and surprise. “That would be a great idea Niall!” You eagerly looked at him as he just looked between you two. He set the orange down on the table and crossed his arms. “Me? Being a sperm donor? Isn’t that kind of weird??” You understood his questioning but Zayn knew his way with words. “No, because I know you lad. You’re my best friend. Why would I let some random guy be apart of my children when I can have someone I am close to do this for me? You’re perfect for this. Plus, they may have your talents..” Zayn wiggled his eyebrows and nudged Ni. Niall put his head down and laughed at him. “My talents huh? Added to (Y/N)’s looks?” He rubbed his chin and looked up at the ceiling. “Alright, I’m in.”

LOU: 6 months later you and the boys were all sitting down having movie night just talking about random things. “What about kids? You guys don’t want those?” Liam asked Lou this and you were shocked that they didn’t know. “They don’t know?” Lou looked down embarrassed. “Know what?” He looked back up and spoke in a low voice. “I can’t have kids..” Their faces were now of shock and guilt. “I’m sorry mate, I didn’t know that or else I wouldn’t of brought it up.” “Nahh it’s okay. No big deal.” “No big deal? That’s a serious thing Lou. What about other options?” You let out a little laugh and engaged in the conversation, wanting to hear the ideas the boys had. “Like what Liam?” “Here listen. I had a friend who did this because he was in the same situation.” You leaned in waiting for him to tell you. “Have a sperm donor!” He said it all happily and you burst out laughing. But Lou was shaking his head. “Are you mad lad? That’s weird..” “No it’s not, not if you use someone’s you know...” He was raising his eyebrow as he looked at Lou. You tilted your head and squinted your eyes at him. “Are you suggesting yourself Liam?” “Well, would any of you like to do this?” The others boys just looked off into other directions, anywhere but you three. You wanted to laugh but you looked over to Lou. “What do you think babe?” He started fidgeting with the carpet and looking down. He was silent for 2 minutes, not looking at Liam. You knew he wasn’t going to go for it. “Thanks Liam, but I guess..” “No wait.” You all looked at him and waited for him to speak. “Are you sure about this Liam?” Liam nodded his head, happy to oblige. The rest of the boys said it was a great idea and he finally made up his mind. “Okay, let’s do it then.”

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