He can't have kids part 3

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LIAM: You, Harry, and Liam all sat in the doctor’s office waiting for him to come in. You were quiet on the outside, but inside you were running a million things through your head. ‘What if this doesn’t even work?’ ‘What if the baby looks more like Harry than me?’ ‘This is totally weird. Liam’s best friend's sperm in me? Eww.’ ‘But Liam wants this.’ You take a deep breath and look at the boys. Liam’s leg was constantly shaking up and down, his hands rubbing his thighs as he waited. Harry just sat there looking at a magazine like he wasn’t about to do this. You were thankful the doctor finally walked and greeted you guys. “So, you guys found a donor?” Liam nodded his head and pointed to Harry. “Doctor, this is my best mate Harry. He’ll be the donor for this.” Harry stood up to shake the doctor’s hand and greeted him. The doctor went and sat on his rolly chair and pulled out a cup and a magazine. Right then and there you wanted to start cracking up because you knew what it was. “Okay Harry, if you’re going to do this, we’ll take the sample now and then store it. (Y/N) and Liam will then come back another day and we’ll go on with the process. Okay?” Harry nodded his head and listened. Liam was intent too as he listened to the instructions for Harry. “Now. You’re going to take this tube. The lid comes off so when you’re done, put it back on. Get as much as you can in the tube but if you can’t, it’s okay. Here’s your magazine, the room is all the way down the hall........and don’t worry, no one goes back there. You ready?” He handed Harry the cup and magazine. He just looked at them and laughed quietly to himself. He looked to Liam and Liam smiled and nodded his head. Then he looked to you. You were trying so hard not to laugh, but it finally came out. “This is it Haz. Have fun.” You patted him on the back as you watched him walk out.

NIALL: “Aww babe, c’mon! Why not!?” You and Lou turned to him with puppy dog eyes waiting for him to change his mind. He stood there with his arms crossed looking between the two of you. You kept your eyes glued to him, hoping he’d take this opportunity. After about 2 minutes, he shook his head and rubbed his eyes. “You really want to do this?” It was directed towards you. He made it seem like you wanted this all for yourself, but that’s not the case. “Well if you don’t want kids Niall, then we don’t have to do this....” You started getting sad as you walked over to him. “No, no. That’s not what I meant. I just......” He let out a sigh and looked at Lou. “Ni, this would be a great thing lad.” He raised his eyebrows and looked back to you. You put on your happiest smile and tilted your head. He couldn’t resist. “Okay love, we’ll do it.” He finally smiled and pulled you into a hug. “Aww yay!” You could feel Lou wrap his arms around the both of you and laugh. “I’m going to be the reason you guys have kids, how fuckin awsome.” Niall let go and pointed his finger at him. “Hey, don’t let this get to your head. This doesn’t mean you’re going to be their godparent or anything.” Lou put his hands up in surrender and shrugged his shoulders. “No problemo.” “When do we go to the doctor’s?” You thought about it and knew you’d have to make an appointment. “Well, probably sometime this week. You free Lou?” He nodded his head and you were thankful. “Thank you so much Lou. You don’t know how much this means to us!” You gave him another hug and spent the night talking about what your baby was going to look like.

HARRY: You didn’t go into the room with Harry and Zayn because it was just awkward. You didn’t want to hear about Zayn’s sperm or anything. As you sat in the waiting room reading a magazine, you could see Zayn walk out of the room with something and heading towards the back. You shook your head and let out a nervous laugh. There he goes. Getting sperm. You had to laugh and realize this was really happening. Never in a million years had you thought you’d be getting pregnant like this, but it meant having kids with Harry, so it was worth it. You just hoped he was there for your kids’ lives and the cancer wouldn’t come back. It was horrible not knowing when it was going to come back, but you knew it eventually would. Cancer truly was not something to go through alone, so you were glad you were there every step of the way with Harry. 30 minutes went by and the boys finally came out. Harry was laughing at Zayn as he was rubbing his hands together. You stood up and asked them how it went. There certainly were not embarrassed to share their experience. “It was freakin weird, going into a room and doing that. But hey, it had to be done. Wanna shake my hand (Y/N)?” Zayn stuck his hand out and you laughed and backed away. “No thank you Zayn, I’m fine.” He only laughed as you guys walked to the car. Harry buckled his seatbelt and looked over to you. He placed his hand on your thigh and squeezed gently. “It’s going to be a fun ride love.” His smile was of true happiness and hope. You couldn’t help but fall more in love with him. Just then Zayn took the opportunity to stick his head in between you guys. “Aww I love you guys too.” “Zayn shut up.” You pushed his head back and laughed at him. “It sure will be babe.”

ZAYN: Niall sat in the waiting room nervous as hell. His eyes were constantly looking everywhere, his leg shaking, rubbing his head every 2 seconds....it was just a sight to see. “Niall, are you okay? You can back out if you want.” You and Zayn both looked to him and watched him think about it. He shook his head. “No, you guys deserve this. It’s what I want to do.” He gave a small smile and looked at Zayn. “Plus maybe they’ll have my eyes.” He batted his eyelashes at Zayn and pretended he was going to kiss him. “Ew lad, stop it.” They both laughed but stood when our names were called. Zayn took hold of your hand and led you through the halls. You all were crammed into a small room as you waited. “My god this is weird.” Niall laughed to himself as he thought about what he was about to do. “It’s alright Ni, not like you haven’t done this before Mr. Violently Masturbating man.” Zayn laughed at his joke as Niall just sarcastically laughed with him. You had to admit though, it was funny. The doctor came in and explained to Niall what he was to do. Niall nodded, putting his head down as he walked out. You and Zayn were left alone to speak. “I’m glad you thought of this babe.” He smiled at you and ran a hand through your hair. “I’d do anything to have kids with you babe. I’m just lucky to have good friends. Plus he’s right, maybe the baby will have his eyes.” “They are beautiful.” Zayn looked at you with raised eyebrows. “Oh really?” You playfully hit him and smiled. “But you know yours are more beautiful than anyone’s I’ve ever seen.” “Good play babe.” He leaned in and kissed you. It took about 20 minutes for Niall to return and you guys left. “Well now that that’s over with, you guys owe me Nando’s.”

LOU: Liam said he’d rather go by himself to the doctor’s than have you guys go with him. Even though he was happy to do this for you guys, he was embarrassed about having you guys even in the same building as he was about to donate. You laughed as his cheeks turned red as he said that, but gladly let him go. You had already warned the nurses and set up your appointment for the day later. You and Lou sat on the couch as you started looking at baby clothes, cribs, strollers, beds, everything. He looked so happy to be looking at these things. It was like he couldn’t wait for the baby to be here already. “Are you happy Lou?” He looked up from the computer to you and smiled like a little kid. “Would it be weird to say that I massively am?” You shook your head and put your head on his shoulder. “No babe, it wouldn’t.” He continued strolling through the pages and was already putting stuff on a wish list. “What do you want it to be?” His left hand came up to his lips as he thought about his answer. “Honestly, I would love one of each.” “Ha, you’re funny. That’d be crazy if we had twins.” “But....then I’d have a little girl who looks like you in so many ways and I could remind her everyday how beautiful she is just like her mommy, and a little boy I could teach football to and do guy things with. That’d be awesome........but, whatever it is babe, I’ll be happy no matter what.” You smiled at that. Louis was truly going to be a great father, you just couldn’t wait.

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