A family member walks in on you

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 Harry: You’re arching your back against the bed, gripping the pillow behind you as Harry continues to thrust his tongue against you. He’s hidden beneath the covers, the large duvet completely covering him between your legs. The door opens suddenly and Anne walks in, a smile on her face. “Good, you’re up! I guess Harry already left for the studio, do you want to go out for breakfast?” she asks, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. Your eyes widen and Harry’s tongue stills against you. “Su.. sure” you stutter, grateful you’d worn one of Harry’s shirts to bed the night before. She smiles, pats what she thinks is your leg before walking out the door, shutting it behind her. “She just patted my bum” Harry exclaims, pushing the duvet over his head as he leans his chin against your stomach. “Shut up” you joke, rolling out of bed to get ready for the day.

Liam: Liam pushes your legs upwards, higher up his back as he thrusts into you harder. You gasp, digging your nails into his back while nipping at the skin of his shoulder while your stomach clenches. The door clicks, opening and Geoff steps into the hotel room. “Liam, do you want to get so… oh, sorry” he stumbles, staring wide eyed at the two of you on the bed. “Uh… dad, what’d you need?” Liam stutters, pulling out of you while covering the two of you with the sheet while you try to let the covers eat you. “Just seeing if you two wanted to get something to eat” he says, back turned on the two of you while staring up at the ceiling. “Maybe, after we get dressed” Liam blushes and Geoff nods before rushing from the room.

Niall: You’re straddling Niall’s lap, fingers laced in the back of his hair while circling your hips over him. He’s grunting against your shoulder, fingers flexing against your hips as you whimper into his mouth. “Shh” he whispers quietly, reminding you that you’re in his mothers home. You drag your bottom lip between your teeth, lifting yourself higher while planting one hand against the headboard behind Niall’s head. The door opens, light streaming into the dark room and Greg chokes behind you. “Shit… uh, fuck man… sorry” he stammers, spitting out the food he had in his mouth and dropping the plate of food he had intended on sharing with his brother before slamming the door. “No mom, he doesn’t want any food!” Greg shouts while bounding down the stairs while you stop all movement, staring wide eyed at your boyfriend. “No, he isn’t sick” Greg shouts and you both laugh.

Louis: The two of you were visiting his family for the weekend and you had noticed him getting a little touchy during dinner. Knowing what he was going to try once the sun went down, you did nothing to protest. It wasn’t the first time you had had sex in this house, and it probably wasn’t going to be the last. It was well past one in the morning and the two of you were going after it hot and heavy when the door creaked open. “Lou?” a small voice said at the entrance to the door. Your eyes shoot open as you roll off of him as inconspicuously as possible allowing him to answer his sister. “Yes Daisy, it’s almost 2 in the morning what do you need?” he says as nicely as possible. “I couldn’t sleep and I heard noises coming from your room so I thought you were up to,” she says innocently. “Daisy go back to bed please, before you wake mum up.” “Can you come and read me a story?” she requests. “I’ll be in in a minute Dais.” “Thanks Louis.” She says before closing the door and returning to her room. You burst out in laughter then covering your mouth to muffle your reaction of Lou’s little sister walking in on the two of you. “I’m going to go read her a story, and then I’ll be back for another round.” He assures you kissing your forehead before putting pants on and walking out the door.

Zayn: She hadn’t knocked when she walked in the room and now Doniya was standing in the doorway with the most shocked expression you had ever seen. It wasn’t the first time you and Zayn had been walked in on but it being that Zayn’s sister was the one starring back at you, made this a very awkward situation. “Ohh my God, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She says backing out of the room and turning to walk down the hallway. “Shit.” Zayn says as he gets up from the bed and puts his clothes back on. “I’ll go talk to her.” He says leaving you to put your clothes on and make your way to him when you’re finished. 

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