you see a ghost

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Louis: "I don't like this idea, Lou," you watch as Louis lights the candles in a circle. "Aw, come on, doll! It's not like it's actually going to work!" After watching a ghost hunters show, Louis decided it would be fun to hold a seance, calling upon ghosts. "But, what if it DOES?" you nervously bite your lip. "Then I will protect you," he lights the last candle and you two hold hands. "All right, let's do this." You take a deep breathe and both of you close your eyes. "Spirits from beyond. If any of you are here, give us a sign. Make yourself known." Suddenly, a vase falls off the table a few feet away and smashes. You both scream (Louis' scream almost louder than yours) and Louis runs over and gathers you in his arms before you both run out of the house. "Okay, no more of those," Louis decides. 

Liam: "You dare us to do Bloody Mary?" You read a tweet from the screen and Liam looks at you confused. "Bloody Mary is like when you go to a mirror and say Bloody Mary three times and supposedly a ghost appears." Liam shrugs, "I'm game, are you?" You'd always been a bit scared of this, to be honest. He sees your face and puts his arm around you. "Don't worry, nothing will happen. Plus, you've got me to keep you safe." Carrying the laptop with you so the twitcam viewers can watch, you both enter the bathroom. You perch the laptop on the sink so the viewers can watch and both turn off the lights. "Ready, guys?" you whisper. At the same time, you and Liam say Bloody Mary three times and suddenly a white ghastly face appears in the mirror. You scream, absolutely terrified and Liam quickly turns on the lights, a bit shaken up. "Darling, darling. Are you okay? It's okay. It was light..." he hugs you and strokes your hair gently until you calm down. You're nearly in tears in fear. "How about we sleep with the light on tonight?" he offers. You reply with a nod and soon #BloodyMaryStayAway is trending.

Niall: "Come on! It's probably not really haunted," you hold a reluctant Niall's hand as you both enter the Haunted House. You'd been walking around the town when you spotted the eerie looking Haunted House. Not being one to fear or believe in ghosts, you wanted to prove what a sham this all was. "But what if it IS?" Niall says softly, paying the entrance fee as you two slowly enter the house. "Then I'll protect you, baby penguin," you kiss his cheek and he suddenly toughens up. "No, I'll protect you, princess." You smile to yourself as you both start walking through the dark and musty house. As you two venture upstairs, you enter what must have been a child's room. A small bed and a small table with a half-played game of checkers is lying on the table. "See, it's not haunted? Just some set-up," you whisper to Niall, squeezing his hand. "Wanna play?" a little voice says. You both turn to follow the voice, which belongs to a little girl sitting at the table. A little girl who had not been there before. A little girl with a knife through her neck. A...GHOST. "HOLY SHIT, FUCK." Niall grabs your hand and pulls you to run with him. You're frozen in fear, so he picks you up and carries you out of the house as fast as he can. "That was fucking terrifying," Niall shakes his head and rubs your shoulders soothingly. "I am officially a believer, you were right, Nialler." Niall shrugs. "Eh, who cares if I'm right? I got to be like a ghost rescuer hero and carry my princess out of there." He puts his hands on his hips jokingly, like a hero would do. "Of course," you laugh. "And you know, all heroes always get a kiss from the princess they save...." You give him a quick kiss and you both vow never to venture in another haunted house ever again. 

Harry: "Harry, this is the absolute dumbest thing you have ever thought of," you whisper shout, holding his hand tightly. The other boys of One Direction and Eleanor and Danielle all nod in agreement. "Well, if you didn't want to do it, you shouldn't have come!" Harry snaps, a bit upset at everyone ganging up on him. You notice this and put your hand on his shoulder. "Sorry, you're right. It's not dumb, it's exciting. Creepy," you say softly. His face softens and he kisses your cheek. "Okay, right here is the spot." He plops down a tent and his backpack and the other boys follow suit. "Camping in a graveyard on Halloween at night, I feel like a BAMF," you joke. "Whoo! BAMFs in the graveyard!" they shout, Liam sends a tweet about what's going on and asks fans to get #BAMFSinthegraveyard trending (which they do in minutes). After an hour of mindlessly telling scary stories, using flashlights to illuminate the makeshift campground, you all start to hear an eerie woman's laugh. "(Y/N)? Danielle? Eleanor? That was one of you guys messin', right?" Niall asks worriedly. Zayn puts his arm over Niall's shoulder, protective of his little Irish friend. You all shake your heads, suddenly very afraid. Harry squeezes your hand and pulls you closer to him. The laugh happens again, closer. "HOLY SHIT. RUN!" Danielle suddenly shouts, pointing to right behind you and Harry. Harry turns around quickly and grabs your hand, pulling you along with him and following the group. "Don't turn around, kitten. Don't turn around." he says, you sense fear in his voice and everyone else is screaming. You want to turn around to see what everyone's freaking out about and you do. A few feet back a bloody, semi-transparent, crazed woman in a wedding dress is laughing. Harry noticed you looked back and looks very worried as you start to cry. Once you're all safely back in the van, Harry wraps you in his arms and rocks you back and forth until you stop crying, like a little kid. "I'll never let anything hurt you," he says softly. "Plus. This idea WAS stupid. You were right. How about we all go get tacos and forget this ever happened?" 

Zayn: "I can't believe you bought a Ouija board," you roll your eyes as Zayn plops a familiar box on the kitchen table. "I didn't buy it, my sister gave it to me. She said it really works and I should try it," he says as he opens the box and sets up the board. You both sit down in front of the board and start making a joke out of it. "Am I good looking?" Zayn asks the board. The small piece slides over to "YES". You both laugh. "Am i more good looking than Zayn?" The piece slides to "YES". "Is Zayn a butt face?" You slide the piece over to "YES". "Is (Y/N) a unicorn?" Zayn asks, sliding the piece to "YES". After a few moments, you both get serious. "But really, I wonder if it works...." you mumble. Zayn nods, "Let's get serious. No moving the pieces on our own, all right?" You start the serious game. "Is there a ghost here?" you inquire. The piece slides to "YES" and you freeze. "You didn't move that, did you?" Zayn asks nervously. You shake your head. "What is your name, ghost?" Zayn asks. The piece moves, spelling out "ESTHER". You start shaking a bit and Zayn moves over to you and wraps you in a hug. Suddenly, you hear a crash as the canister of flour on your kitchen counter falls on the ground. You both watch in frozen horror as an invisible source starts writing in the flour. "ESTHER. ESTHER IS HERE." it says in messy writing. You start shaking, absolutely terrified. Zayn is shaking, too. Suddenly, he picks you up and carries you out of the house, setting you down on the porch. "That was fucking terrifying. How about we stay somewhere else tonight?" he says gently, rubbing your hand to calm you down. You wordlessly nod, not wanting to go back inside until 'Esther' is gone. Maybe you should call ghost busters...

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