Kids on a road trip

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Harry: "Audrey Gemma! Do not hit your sister!" Harry growled sternly to your 3 year old in the backseat. "Harry, please pull over to a hotel!" You begged, both you and your two daughters were exhausted from a long day of driving but your husband refused to stop for a rest. And truthfully, he was the one who really needed a nap; he was cranky. "Y/N, we can totally drive through the night!" You reached over and began stroking his thigh, "I was thinking the girls could get their own room… and we have some grown up time…" He raised his eyebrow at you and a cheeky smile appeared on his face. "Alright, next exit." Harry let you win, as usual. "What’s grown up time?" 7 year old Genevieve asked from the backseat. "It’s when mummy and daddy sit around and tell each other how much we love each other." Harry started making smooching sounds causing you to start giggling. "EWWWWWWWWW!" Genevieve squealed, "Let’s keep driving, please." Grown up time never ended up happening, Harry fell asleep as soon as he saw the bed.

Louis: "Shit Lou, we don’t have anymore movies…" You mumbled to your husband as you dug around in the glove compartment. "What are you kidding?!" Louis almost yelled but instead whispered after catching himself. You let out a whine as you looked back at your three boys; Nate, Luke, and Wes. They were wearing headphones and staring blankly at the screens behind the two front seats. "Shit, shit, shit, shit!" Louis repeated. You shushed him, "Not too loud! The headphones aren’t sound proof!" The last thing you needed was three little potty mouths running around. "Mummy, the movies over!" Wes, your 4 year old, exclaimed. "Are we there yet?" Nate, your 9 year old, whined. Louis’s hands grasped the wheel tightly, Nate had been doing this for the last 4 hours every time the movies ended. "No." Louis hissed through his teeth. "We’ll be there soon babe." You turned around to smile at him. "When will we get there?" Nate whined again. Louis let out a soft growl. "How about we play a game, let’s play I-Spy." You chirped trying to keep your husband sane. "I spy with my little eye, something stupid!" Luke giggled at Wes. "HEY!" Wes cried. This was going to be a long trip…

Niall: You were close to tears, 7 year old Niamh was car sick, 3 year old Conor was hungry, and baby Brenna was fussy… poor Niall had to put on a brave face for all four of you. “Mam, hungry.” Conor whined over his wailing baby sister. “I know honey, Mammy and Daddy are trying…” You cooed through your tears, you had developed a bit of an Irish tongue after being with Niall for almost 10 years. “I don’t care what you have to say Y/N, we’re getting MacDonald’s… I need a Big Mac.” Niall said taking the next exit. “Get me french fries?” You asked wiping your tears. “What are french fries?” Niamh asked. “Chips, sorry, Mammy’s American.” You giggled a little. Upon pulling up to the MacDonald’s, Niall took Niamh and Conor for a little break while they get their food and you climbed in the back seat to your baby. She was no longer crying, just whimpering. “Brenna Saoirse Horan, what am I going to do with you?” You cooed making your 6 month old baby girl smile. “Let’s try to feed you before you’re dad and siblings come back. Don’t want flash my boobies and scar them for life.” Brenna giggled as she latched on to you. “But Daddy would probably like it…”

Liam: "Try to rest babe, I know you don’t feel well…" Liam tried to place his hand on your thigh but you slapped it away. "No, you did this to me." You glared at him, you were pregnant for your third and last time. "Is Payne #4 really bugging you that much?" He asked with a frown. You nodded, "Worse than the twins." He looked back at his three children. Eight year old Lucy and  5 year old twins, Ella and James; they had finally fallen asleep. But not for long, "Mummy…" Little James whimpered. "Yes Sweetie?" You yawned. "I got a funny…" He hiccuped, "comin’ outta my tummy…" Before you knew it, the whole back seat of your car was covered in vomit. Lucy and Ella woke up with screams of terror and disgust. Liam quickly pulled over and the two of you rushed to your children’s aid. Both twins were crying while Lucy was so angry she couldn’t contain herself. "Stay calm Luce… I know it’s awful." You rubbed your oldest daughter’s back despite her being covered in vomit. She instantly calmed down a little. "I wanna go home…" She sighed, "Or at least to a hotel…" You looked over at Liam who was stripping Ella and James’s shirts, it was okay since they were only five. "Please Liam, Mama Payne needs some rest and Baby Paynes need a bath…" You begged. Liam chuckled, "Babe, I am right ahead of you."

Zayn: "Juice!" Your one year old daughter Leah cried, it was her new word. "You drank all the juice, Baby Girl." Zayn said. Tears welled up in her big brown eyes, they were just like her dad’s. "Don’t you dare cry." Zander, her 13 year old brother looked up from his cellphone. "Zander, she’s one." You reminded him. Then Leah let out the loudest wail you have ever heard. "Leah, we’ll get you juice when we get to the hotel. We’ll be there soon." You tried to console her but she just kept crying and wouldn’t stop. You looked back to see Zander’s face change. "Leah, look here…" He tried to get his baby sister’s attention. Finally, Little Leah stopped screaming and looked at her brother. "I’ve got Sesame Street on my phone but you can only watch if you promise not to cry. It hurts my ears." He said. Leah nodded, "Sawwy." You and Zayn both made eye contact as you watched your son’s actions, was this real life? "It’s okay." He smiled and kissed the top her head.

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