your child walks in on you

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"She in bed?" You asked as he returned to your room. "She's asleep." "Even better." He crawled on top of your giggling body. "Shh! Don't ruin it before it starts!" He whispered/yelled at you. "I'm sorry I just can't believe we actually get to have sex. Without the boys taking her." "I know." He leaned down and kissed your lips. It turned heated very quickly. He was removing his boxers. "Condom or not?" "Why are you asking that?" "Didn't know if you got your pills filled!" "I didn't." "Okay condom it is." He leans over to his bedside table, grabbing what he needed. He ripped it open and slid it on with ease. "Okay ready?" You nodded. He was pushing in and pulling out causing your body to go limp under him. He was kissing your collarbone. "Hmmm Louis." "Shh baby. You got to be quiet." "I'm trying. You feel so good." "Mummy?" "Shit." Louis tried to pull out, but she was already in the room, so he laid down on your naked breast. "Mummy? I can't find Hazzy Bear." "Honey Uncle Harry moved out a few weeks ago." "But he always let me sleep with him when I had a nightmare. I want Hazzy!" "Baby he's probably sleeping." "Or doing what we are trying to do." Louis whispered in your ear. "Daddy why are you laying on mummy?" "She was cold, so I'm keeping her warm." "Where's her shirt?" "Um..." He looked at you for help. "You just can't see it. It matches mummy skin color." You answered for him. "It does?" "Yes it does baby." "Oh, daddy can you call Uncle Hazzy and tell him I need him." "Baby Hazzy is in bed, its almost midnight." "He said I could call him at anytime!" "Lou she's not going to budge." "Fine. Hand daddy his phone." She grabbed Louis phone from the his bed side table and gave it to him. He hit a button and put it to his ear. "Hello?" "Haz?" "What the hell do you want at midnight on a Tuesday night." "You goddaughter wants you." "Every women wants me." He laughed at his own joke. "Just talk to her." He he handed his daughter the phone. "Hazzy bear, I had another nightmare. It was reawy scary." His voice came through the phone. "But I can't sleep without you!" She whined. "Please?" Louis looked at you. "He's going to give in, she is his weakness." He was able to move up from your chest to your face. He kissed you face when she wasn't looking. "Fine Uncle Harry ill just go to bed myself." "Oh no," Louis gasped. "What?" "She called him Uncle Harry, that's when you know she mad." "No if you won't help me, then you're not my Hazzy Bear anymore." She handed the phone back to her dad and walked out. "Wow what'd you do that made her call you Uncle Harry?" "She wanted me to come over there to sleep in her bed with her." "I can't believe you said no." "Oh no I'm on my way, after that sad sentence she gave me about not being her Hazzy Bear it broke my heart. Ill be there in five minuets." "Harry don't come!" "Why?" "Because (y/n) and I are trying to have a night together." "So sex?" "Yeah." "No wonder she had a nightmare, I would too if I knew my parents were doing the naughty in the other room. Anyways I will be there soon have the front door unlocked." "Harry!" "You can still have sex I won't care! I'm only there for my princess. I will just sleep on the couch then I won't hear anything. I'll just get her to sleep then I'll pass out." "You might just have to move back in. She misses you a lot." "I would, but you have a wife and a child now. I don't need to let my niece see me bring home girl after girl. Plus you and (y/n) need your space." You smiled. "Louis I want him to be here with you and baby girl. He's part of our family." You said quietly. "Harry me and (y/n) talked and we would love if you moved back in." "I will think about it. But I want the basement." "Anything for you Harry. Just to have you back."


He had been rubbing your leg all through out the dinner. It was a big family dinner. The boy and their wives plus all ten of the children you all have together. "We miss having you guys around. Anyone have anything going on that's exciting?" You looked at Zayn, he smiled back at you. You nodded and he smiled. "Zayn & (y/n) you guys have anything, you're smiles got big." "Well (y/n) and I found out we are one month pregnant." Everyone's faces lite up! "Congratulations" came from every which way. "That is so exciting!" Eleanor squeaked. Harry rubbed his chin. "I knew there was a reason my shot buddy wouldn't join me last night!" Referring to you. "Now you know!" "You guys are the last to have a second child! Now we will have 11 at Christmas!" Louis looked at everyone. "Now we all got two, except mister long dick over here who has three." "She can't resist me." Liam says elbowing his wife. "What can I say, he can please a girl." She say putting her hands up in defense. Liam starts laughing. "God I miss these times." Niall speaks. "It is nice." Niall's wife says. "Not as nice as what I'm going to get when I get home." Zayn says proudly. All the guy eyes widened, your cheeks went red. "Whoa whoa, so she's pregnant and you still get sex?" "Yeah she always wants me when she pregnant! Like no joke, all the time!" He squeezes your thigh. "Not fair when Eleanor was pregnant I barely got anything!" "Me too!" Niall added. "I always got sex." Harry added causing his wife to smack his head. "I honestly do not remember, its been awhile since she has been pregnant." Liam added with a smile. "Yeah you guys are having a baby a little late don't you think?" Louis asked. Zayn kissed the side of your face. "Not at all. We are 36 and wanted another baby. I think it's perfectly average." "What did Michael say?" "We haven't told him yet, you guys are the first ones." "Don't we feel special." Niall spoke.

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