The Fans Meet You Via Twitcam

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Louis: Lately, a lot of people have been sending hate to him, so he decided to do a private twitcam for the nice fans. Though, nothing was really private, because word spread that he was on twitcam. “So I’ve been feeling sad lately,” he tells his audience. “I don’t know what I did, but I have to tell you guys…I love you.” Just then, you walk into the camera’s view. Louis had asked for your comfort two hours before, so that’s why you’re with Lou. “Who’s the girl in the background?” Louis reads out. “(Y/N), mind showing your lovely face?” You’re a bit camera shy, but sit next to Louis on the floor regardless. “Hi,” you say in a soft voice. “She’s my go-to whenever I’m feeling down,” Louis shrugs and nuzzles his cheek to yours. The fans realize you’re just a friend - and not very threatening to their precious Lou - so they like you!

Niall: “Ahh, girl look at that body!” You laugh at your best friend unintentionally strip-teasing to his viewers while you sit on his bed. “What are you laughing about, (Y/N)?” Niall mumbles, since his sweatshirt is covering his face. He finally gets it off, leaving him in a plain white t-shirt. “The song just goes perfectly with what you’re doing,” you reply. Niall always invited you over, because you lived a two houses down from him your whole live. He invites you over to hangout, because no one else was available. So far, you guys are just ‘chillin’. “Why do you hear a girl’s voice?” Niall asks. “Because there’s a girl in my room.” He winks at the camera. “I’m not that kind of girl,” you say. Niall laughs. “I know, now come sit next to me.” You slide to the floor and stretch your legs to lay by Niall’s. “(Y/N), say hello!” “Hellooo!” You croon, making Niall laugh again.

Liam: It was too early to do a twitcam, but Liam woke up at 4 AM and was bored out of his mind. “Mind if I do a twitcam in your bed?” Liam asks your sleeping form. You roll over and cuddle Liam’s lap. “Mm,” you sigh. “I take that as a yes!” Liam laughs. He starts talking to people and answering a lot of questions, since he’s not being distracted. You roll over in your sleep again and mumble, “God Liam, you’re.. my god.” The fan notice your back facing them. “Did I have a- No, I didn’t have a one-night stand with this girl!” Liam frowns. “This is (Y/N),” he says, purposely patting your bum. “We had a sleepover. She’s just my friend.” He leaves his hand there and continues answering questions. Liam sometimes squeezes your bum and as he signs off, he’s still touching it. You wake up to the top trend on Twitter being: #LiamMadeAMessUpon(Y/N)sbutt

Zayn: Zayn wanted to get purple streaks in his hair instead of blond this time, and asked for your assistance. Zayn was so happy with the results that he did a twitcam to show everyone. “Guys, look at my new herrr!” He says. You laugh, because Zayn looks ridiculous. But hey, he begged you to do it for him. “Who did it?” You try to get Zayn’s attention, shaking your head and mouthing ‘no’. No one should know you were the cause of Zayn’s new do, and send you hate. “(Y/N) did it! She’s still here, see!” He twists his laptop around and shows you to his viewers. You immediately run away and onto the couch to stop Zayn from saying anymore. “She’s so amaz-” “Zayn, if you don’t-” *CRASH* His laptop fell to the floor. Later on, Zayn tweeted from his phone; '(Y/N) broke my laptop. :( But here's her twitter! (Y/T/N) #revenge’

Harry: Harry was always weird. He decided he’d do a twitcam during his vacation - at the top of a mountain. “How do you even get wifi up here?” you ask just as the twitcam starts. “Secret,” Harry says. Instantly, the fans notice Harry’s surroundings and you two and the ranger were the only ones around. “They ask, ‘where are you and who’s the chick’?” Harry laughs. “Chick?” You shake your head. “The ‘chick’ is my best friend, (Y/N).” You didn’t want to seem annoying, so you stroll away from Harry and start talking to the cute ranger that guided you guys up the mountain. “Yeah, I’m not her type, so no…” Harry trails off. You notice he’s staring at you. You smile and wave. He smiles back. “On second thought, I think I have a chance. Who knows?”

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