Dear Readers,

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Hello everyone! As you can now see this story (along with all my others) has been DRAFTED (not deleted and hopefully not permanently) due to Wattpad's new update. What am I talking about you ask? Well the update that now has it where we can NO LONGER READ OFFLINE! I am strongly upset, disappointed, and heart broken that you have to PAY to READ OFFLINE!

I'm not lucky enough like some readers who can have 24/7 access to the internet. 98.9% of the time when I've read a book here I've read offline. I strongly believe Wattpad is destroying this once brilliant app.

So until Wattpad returns availability for offline use to EVERYONE WITHOUT PAYING, I will not be posting any new updates or posting anything at all on my books.

If your an author or reader and agree with me then I say we boycott Wattpad and send them loadsssss of messages about this conflict.


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