thirty five

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1 week later

we landed in omaha the night before the celebration for sammy.

jade and bryce flew in as well, which was nice because they haven't seen each other since jade is also in alabama while bryce is in california still.

jack and i stayed at his house once again, and when we woke up in the morning i felt nothing but sadness.

it's been one year.

despite being in omaha, jack didn't mention once about my meeting his family. not on the plane, or when we got to his house, not even the days leading up to us coming.

i wanted to meet his parents, i wanted to see where he became the way he is. i know he has at least one sister.

as i stared at the ceiling thinking about all of this, jack rolled over and placed his arm over my waist.

"hi babe." he said sleepily.

"hi." i whispered. "when can i meet your family?"

i didn't mean to ask this so out of the blue.

"babe, i don't think it's a good idea right now.."

"when did madison meet them?" i snapped, his eyes opening finally.

"ro please, it's nine in the morning."

"i'm guessing not a year later, right?" i felt tears forming but i couldn't figure out why. i shouldn't be this upset.

"madison wasn't pregnant with another man's baby." he shouted back, but once he realized what he had said and saw how upset i was, he immediately looked regretful.

"rose.." he whispered, and i stood up.

"we didn't have to get back together, jack! if you're so ashamed to be with me just because i'm pregnant — when it could've been yours — i don't know what to tell you!" i shouted. "is this why you didn't want to bring me to omaha, huh? you wanted to hide your poor pregnant girlfriend with no legitimate baby daddy?"

"rosalina!" he yelled, his voice seeming to shake the room.

"but you won't deny it." i said calmly, my heart having the sinking feeling it did when jack and i broke up to begin with.

"because you're right." jack murmured, pacing back and forth, hand against his mouth.

"of course." i laughed, tears flowing down my cheeks.

i knew i had gotten myself in this dilemma. i knew that being pregnant was my fault, the carefulness skyler and i had lacked was coming back to me now in the form of jack being upset and not wanting me to meet his family.

"rose, do you at least understand?" jack asked gently.

"you said you'd be there for me." i didn't acknowledge his question.

"and i am! but i don't want my parents to know that you are pregnant with a baby and it isn't mine."

"how will i ever meet them then? i'm having this baby in 5 months! what do i do then? lie about him being my son?"

jack glanced down. "no."

"then what?" i asked, already exhausted from arguing.

"you can meet them, but they're in aspen. with my sisters."

i raised my eyebrows. "so if i ask lori, she'll say they're in aspen?"

jack nodded. "they like to go there."

i didn't believe him for some reason, knowing damn well he could easily ask anyone to vouch for him.

so i asked emily.

to: em wilk 💗
hey, is jack's family in town?

almost immediately, i got a response.

from: em wilk 💗
his parents are in colorado, but his sisters are coming tonight! ☺️

i didn't let jack know that i knew his sisters would be there. i wanted to see if he'd try to hide it from me. would he act like he didn't know me? would he act like he didn't know them? so many questions swirled through my head as we both began to get ready for the day.

"so, what is your family doing in aspen?" i questioned jack on the way to lori's.

he shrugged. "we have a cabin out there. it's kinda like a honeymoon type thing they do around their anniversary to keep it alive." he laughed slightly.

"but they invite your sisters?"

would he lie?

"yeah. they invite me too, but i said i couldn't make it." he shrugged.


we arrived at lori's and parked directly in front of the house, both of us climbing out and walking to the front door.

to my surprise, carly opened the door. to say i felt slightly jealous would be an understatement.

"hi rose!" she smiled. "and jack."

"hey carly." jack shrugged, walking by her. i followed, not really bothering to reply and hoping she'd take jack's greeting as one from me as well.

all attention was on baby sam. baby pictures of sammy were being compared to baby sam. emily, lori, and annie were crowded around one picture, tears in their eyes as they looked from the picture to the baby that was laying in the crib in the center of the room.

"sam looked like this!" lori sobbed. carly walked over and gave her a hug.

"i miss him too."

"i'm sorry, what?" i blurted, carly's eyes shooting up at me.

"rose, not today, please?" jack whispered as carly walked over to me.

"is there something wrong with what i said?" carly asked me sweetly. i knew it was full of shit.

"you didn't even know sam. you were a one night stand who ended up getting knocked up."

annie walked over. "whoa, rose, girl, i love you but.. that isn't the case."

i raised my eyebrows. "what did she tell you it was?"

"she said she met sam in california."

i started to laugh. "that's funny, carly hasn't left alabama a day in her life until she came here."

it was true. despite being a now sophomore on the team, she didn't travel with us when we went to nationals. she stayed behind because she was pregnant.

carly looked like a deer in headlights.

"i- i.."

annie, emily, lori, and now ben, who had just entered the room, were all glaring at her.

"what about that story you told us about sam saying you were the only one for him? him proposing on the santa monica pier?" ben asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

then dave walks in.

"what's all this?" he asked. carly was now in tears.

"i'm sorry... i thought of you all believed him and i had more of a connection than he had with rose, it'd make more sense for me to be having his baby and not her." carly stammered.

sam's whole family looked at her like she had three heads. jack looked shocked. johnson, who had just walked in after ben's question for carly, seemed confused.

"if you weren't the mother of my son's child, i'd be telling you to get the hell outta my house." lori said before she walked away. the whole house was silent, save for baby sam's babbles.


had to throw in some (a lot) of drama!:)
i know i am horrible at updating, but i'm a senior in HS and i reeeealllly want to graduate and i have a ton of homework plus a job, i can't always update! i spend all of my free time writing bits of this story for u all!!!

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