thirty six

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everyone was in total shock that carly had lied to them, for who knows how long. after lori's comment, carly had left the room and went upstairs.

lori picked up baby sam and then a knock at the door caused everyone to look over.

"i can grab it." emily said, walking over to the door and opening it.

i knew sam had a lot of friends in omaha who would've been showing up. ex girlfriends, ex best friends, relatives with a delayed flight..

"molly, laura, oh my gosh!"

i watched jack's face go pale. his sisters were here.

"hi em!" laura said, giving her a hug. molly did the same and i watched jack scurry over.

i followed.

"hey, look, i brought— " before he could finish, i was behind him.

"hi, are you jack's sisters?"

jack whipped around so fast, i was surprised he didn't have whiplash.

"yeah, we are!" molly smiled. jack looked more shocked and nervous than i have ever seen him.. and i saw the video of him singing at magcon for the first time.

"uh, molly, this is rose. rose, this is molly." jack said, introducing the two of us first.

"it's nice to meet you!" she gave me a hug instead of a handshake.

"jack, shut up! this is your girlfriend?!" laura teased, slapping her brother's arm playfully. i felt my cheeks heat up.

"yeah." he put his arm around my waist, my heart melting.

i noticed molly glance down at the small bump my stomach had formed.

"jack, can i talk to you?"

"yeah, 'course. rose, give us a second?"


i knew that this was the conversation jack had been trying to avoid. i suddenly regretted walking up to them like that. how bad is it going to look on my part? yeah, i was engaged to your brother for six days and then i called it off and i started dating another guy and then i got pregnant!

i watched jack talk to both of his sisters, a worried expression on his face. i couldn't hear me exactly what was being said, but for that i was glad.

they walked back over and i gave jack an apologetic smile, hoping he'd understand.

"rose, it's okay." laura said. "i know our parents will understand too."

they both hugged me before we returned to the party.

"rose, i'm sorry for even thinking hiding it would've been okay." jack said, holding my hand.

"it's fine. i shouldn't have just walked up to your sisters like that." i replied, the two of us entering the dining room that was filled with food and snacks.

"they're very accepting." jack said, taking a plate and beginning to fill it with crackers, cheese, and a slice of pizza.

another knock at the door sounded and lori got it, bryce and jade entering. i nearly dropped my plate, setting it down and running over to my best friends. jade and i both squealed as we hugged.

"it's been almost forever!" i laughed, happy tears dripping down my eyes.

i gave bryce a hug before the three of us walked around the room so i could introduce jade and bryce to sammy's family as well as jack's sisters. while i had been walking around the room, introducing everyone to each other, jack had filled my plate for me with things i liked. he brought it out to me and gave both jade and bryce a hug before the four of us sat on the couch.

"so, how's san diego?" i asked bryce, taking a bite from a cupcake.

"it's cool, it really is. i'm glad it's close to home." bryce replied.

"i'm thinking of transferring to sdsu after this semester ends." jade said, wincing as if i'd have a terrible reaction.

"really?" i asked. i'll admit, it did surprise me after the promises jade and i had made each other about living in alabama together. but if she wanted to be close to bryce, i wouldn't object. distance is hard.

"yeah, it just.. it gets hard, being without him."

bryce kissed jade on the cheek and i gave them both a smile.

"it's okay, do what's best for you two." i told her honestly. they're good together. i better be the maid of honor.

suddenly, a loud slam from upstairs caused everyone to go silent. ben paused the music.

carly stomped down the stairs, her hair a mess, black streaks down her cheeks.

"screw ALL OF YOU!" she screamed. she ran out of the front door and my jaw dropped.

emily, who was currently holding baby sam, handing him gently to lori before running out after carly.

my first reaction was to go upstairs.

i went upstairs with laura, the door to sam's room being wide open. i peeked in, my heart sinking.

all of his drawers were open. the bed was unmade, the pillows thrown across the room. the glass on his mirrors were broken and the things that had once been on the dressers had been swept off.

"oh my god." was all i could muster to say.

lori and dave wanted to leave sam's room exactly how he left it. he came home frequently, even more often than he would ever let on. and carly destroyed it.

lori and dave both jogged up the stairs and lori let out a cry once she saw the state of sam's room.

not only had carly trashed sam's room, but she left her child here.


so guys, i'm about to begin writing something some of you could find quite interesting..

i'm writing the story of rose and sam before this book!

it'll be up all at once, so it might not be out right away, but it's coming! it'll be about how sam and rose met and more details of their relationship that i haven't added here! 💕

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