thirty one

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hearing his voice for the first time again in three months was surreal.

he answered with only one ring.

"rose?" he breathed, as if he was surprised.

"hi." i whispered, my voice shaking.

"what's wrong?" he immediately questioned.

"he.. he just hurt me." i began to cry, climbing out of the fire escape. i could hear him banging at the door as i shut the window behind me.

"hurt you? how?"

"i told him something i don't think he liked too much and he pushed me into a wall an- and then pushed me over." i was now bawling, climbing slowly down the fire escape onto the streets of new york.

"are you in la?"

"no." i said, walking down the streets searching for any nypd cars i could find.

"rose, what made him so mad? did you cheat?"

"no!" i yelled defensively. "i.. i'm pregnant."

there was a long pause. "jack?"

"you're having that fuckin' scumbags baby?"

i started to cry yet again. "im three months. i waited to tell him and he hurt me."

"rose, love, im buying you a ticket home." he said gently. "you need to come home."



i saw jack's car outside at lax and i wheeled both of my suitcases to his car.

he got out and immediately embraced me, the familiarity of his arms being more than comforting.

"hi rosie." he said softly, his hand stroking my hair.


he helped me into the car and we headed to his house.

"you don't look pregnant." he teased.

"well." i sighed. "i am. fuck, jack, where did it all go wrong? i'm almost twenty, only in college, and i'm going to be a single mom."

he shrugged. "you won't be. i'm here."

i looked over at him, my heart nearly melting.

"you will?"

he nodded. "rose, i love you. just because skyler doesn't want to be a father to his child doesn't mean i won't be."

"his son." i whispered.

in my imagination, when i told skyler, he was happy. i told him the gender and he was happy and he wanted to be a father. instead, i got what i got.

"son?" jack grinned. "that's amazing, rose."

i nodded, tears forming. "yeah. if only everyone thought that."

we arrived at his house and i brought my bags inside.

johnson and nate were both there as per usual and they both gave me a hug.

"glad to see you." nate said, kissing my cheek.

"thanks nate."

"hey rosie posey." johnson teased, giving me the most comforting hug i've ever got from him.

jack and i went up to his room and he just held me in his arms for what felt like forever in an understanding silence.

"you don't deserve what he did to you." he finally said.

i nodded. "i know."

"i would never do that to you."

i nodded again.

i wrapped my arms around him as much as i could and ended up dozing off.

when i woke up, it was 2:30 am. jack was no where to be seen, but i heard him.

"madison, stop coming here. i was high. i won't ever be doing that with you again." i heard from the hall.

"maybe i'm not here for you." the familiar voice retorted. "why though? is she here? ROSE!"

i heard footsteps start to approach and i held my breath.

"mad, leave my house or i call the police."

the door swung open and i saw madison.

"oh, so she's here? you're back with the whore?"

"excuse me?" i stood up, glaring at the girl in front of me.

"you heard me." she smirked.

"listen, you conniving bitch. you can say all you need to about me, but at least i didn't ask someone to leak videos and make up lies about cutting." i yelled, jack's eyes widening.

"he deserved it. he cheated on me."

"i don't care, madison! your middle school techniques of dealing with it explain how who you are!"

she rolled her eyes and left.

"i love you." jack laughed, his lips meeting mine.

in that moment, i realized i still loved him.

and i kissed back.

last summer - jack gilinsky Where stories live. Discover now