Chapter 11~The Dream

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>A/N- Here is Miranda's point of view after Damon left her, hope you guys enjoyed the sneak peak of the last chapter, but this chapter would be very interesting but short.<

*A peak of Mira's Runes*

Walking towards my room in disappointment I kick the floor in annoyance, what did I actually expect a guy like Damon to go for an average girl like me, what did I expect really? My heart clenched tightly in my chest as though someone was squeezing the hell out of it, the pain was unbearable it made me feel vulnerable and defenseless almost felt like, rejection. I laughed to myself, not a laugh that was happy but one that made me feel crazy, how could I let him get under my skin so soon. Reaching my hand to my chest, I felt the pain. It was so real, so genuine. The shield I kept up all these years were slowly falling, and I was watching them piece by piece.

" Whats happening to me?" I whispered glaring off into space, walking aimlessly to where my feet wanted to go.

At that moment, I felt a tear gently fall from my left cheek, I reached out to my face and touched it slightly with shaky hands. Pulling them back I stared at the foreign wetness dripping from my hands. They were tears, actual real tears, throughout my childhood, I never really cried except rare occasions I was physically hurt. But this time was different, I was mentally hurt with a feeling I could not comprehend. My mind was getting hazy, the continuous pain in my heart intensified drastically.

Pushing the door to my room, I got onto the huge bed not caring about the clothes I had on. At least, it would provide me a comfort I needed right now, sighing deeply I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

Darkness surrounded me everywhere like midnight hugging my thoughts I felt asleep but still very conscious. Three bodies surrounded me, they were males with both dark hair and clothes, they were chuckling wickedly and laughing, the atmosphere around me felt dark and dangerous, my heart was beating rapidly in fear.

"Open your eyes" a dark voice echoed in my ears, panic rushed through me like a storm, shaking my head I refused to open my eyes shutting them even tighter.

Suddenly a deep burn increased in my hand, the burning sensation felt undeniably painful, the laughing continued, the tauntings, the pain I couldn't take it anymore...a shrieking sound escaped my mouth, a blast of cold air hit my face, Dawning to reality, I was awake and soaking in sweat.

Surrounding me was Ayslin, Carlisle, and Derek I noticed Damon at the door entrance. I felt my breath heaving unevenly, as I struggled to take large gulps of air.

"Mira, are you okay? That scream woke us all up a bit" Ayslin asked worry apparent in her voice.

I couldn't find my voice, I couldn't even speak, I was wheezing so much as though I have been suffocated in the dream. Unexpectedly, distracting my attention I felt a burn on my arm as I lowered my eyes, a strange symbol was inscribed on my arm, looking at it with fear I felt eyes on the same symbol

"Carlisle..." I heard Ayslin's voice say in fear.

"Damon carry her to the living room, Ayslin you get the Symbolius book in the library, and Derek follow us," Carlisle said in a quick breath, giving clear and concise direction, unfazed by what had happened.

I felt my heart rate increasing, for the first time I truly felt scared, what was happening to me? The question just seemed to be protruding my mind the longer I stayed in this house.What was this symbol on my hand? Did it come from the dream? My mind circulated with unanswered questions, feeling strong hands pull me up, I gasp at the hardness as I was pushed against the warm abs on his shoulders, I wrapped my hands around his head, I felt safe in his hold, and his touch calmed me down, silently I heard him muttered.

"Sleep Mira, you're safe with me" and there I safely drifted off.

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