Chapter 4~ The Offer

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As the living room grew quiet I opened my room door and walked towards my mother lying bent near the couch, as I moved deliberately I heard soft sobs of her crying.

''Mum..'' I called quietly, rushing towards her side bending down to touch her arm, my heart squeeze in my chest at her pain.

''Mira, Carlos would be here in a few minutes''

She said wiping her tears quickly from her cheeks she brushed her whole body attempting to smooth the wrinkles. Reaching out for her right hand she took a rubber band and started pulling her hair up into a ponytail.

''Now listen, you are going to ask him kindly-" she said giving me a knowing look emphasising on the word kindly, I shrugged in amusement.

"To take his shift, we need the extra fifty dollars, okay,'' she finished gelling her hair down flatly on her face.

As she finished her face stared upon mine, her brown eyes still teary they became soft and caring as a brief sparkle of compassion lit between them.

''Sorry you had to listen to that'' she said softly brushing my hair out my face.

''Its okay, I've gotten use to it'' I muttered trying to sound casual, shielding the ache of longing I felt for her.

''Alright, don't stay out long, okay'' she said softly brushing my cheeks.

''I wouldn't '' I murmured quietly brushing her hands off, I strode towards the door and grabbed my sweater. Reaching into the pocket, I pulled out the cigarette and threw it towards her. Twisting the door in my hands, I contemplated saying something but choked on my own words. Assuring myself with my eyes closed I twisted the door fully and ran out the apartment.


As I neared the Grill I spotted Carlos in the front smoking, the puffs floating into the air.

''Hey Carlos my mother waiting for you'' I yelled out nearing him slowly.

''I know she just called me, " he said blowing the smoke in my face, his cheeks were big and red it almost made me flinch at his ugliness.

The smell of cigar swam my face nearly choking me, glaring at him with a deadly stare he knew how much I hated the smell of cigarette that is why I often avoided The Grill.

"Here're the keys'' he added with a sly smirk as he dropped them in my hand.

I watched him stroll away mindlessly, shrugging his action I walked towards the bartender station and unlocked the door, I grabbed the white cloth like I've seen Carlos do so many times and started cleaning.

''Excuse me'' a deep voice spoke startling me a bit, glancing up I saw him again the black sweatered guy, but as I expected not alone.

''Is she deaf'' a higher voice proclaimed.

As I looked up I saw the blonde her perfectly blue eyes gaped upon me like scraps of dirt under her perfect stilettos.

''What would you like'' I spoke casually dodging the insult.

''Wellllll'' she spoke crashing her lips together and flipping her blonde hair, the other brown skinned girl stood close swaying her hips back and forth.

''Babe what do you think?'' she stared at him lustfully.

As I glared at her blankly through the scenario the only expression that played upon my face was disgust, a small laughter broke from him, as I glared back at him his eyes was fixed upon mine.

''Stephanie, Kaylee meet me by the car, I'll be out in a minute.'' he spoke casually still intent on me.

''Okay babe!'' the two girls replied harmoniously.

How sweet, I thought to myself sarcastically.

As the girls walked out I grabbed the white cloth and continued to clean ignoring his presence.

''What's your name?'' he spoke eyes searching upon mine.

''Miranda'' I replied cautiously, squinting my eyes at him, ''why is it important to you'' I said piercing my eyes towards him.

''Your eyes their-purple'' he whispers astonishment apparent in his tone.

''Yeah I guess so'' I muttered squinting them slightly. My eyes was not a topic of discussion I like to indulge in, they made me feel different and attracted unwanted attention I preferred to stayed away from.

''You were saying'' I urged avoiding the conversation of my eyes which clearly embarrassed me.

" Yes as I was saying- my sister, Ayslin is looking for a cleaner around the house so...I wanted to know if you would be willing to help, I sense you have a good aura,'' he said confidently giving me a small smirk.

Digesting it all in I spoke lightly ''like a maid'' I muttered narrowing my eyes sharply.

''Well you can speak to her about that.'' he replied rather carelessly.

My mind said no, but truthfully I needed the money, I thought of my mum, we couldn't continue to live like this, this was my opportunity I had to help one way or the other.

''Okay'' I said instantly inhaling sharply, there didn't seem to be any harm in the situation.

''Well here's the address, stop by tomorrow'' he said handing me a piece of paper.

"Am Derekell by the way," he said turning his head imperceptibly, pursing his lips slightly.

As he got up he ran his hand through his head allowing his black hood to come off revealing messy, yet attractive strands of jet black hair, averting my eyes from him I grabbed the white cloth and continued cleaning once again repeating the situation in my head over and over again. Hoping I had made the right decision. 

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