Chapter 5~ Sector 1

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A/N- Sorry guys if this is short but I had a lot of things going on but hope you enjoy this chapter!

*Miranda at the top*

-Tori London

The morning light woke me as it reflected through my window dimly, preparing myself to leave I took a quick shower allowing the heat to batter against my skin. As soothing as the shower was it didn't too long until the thoughts kept getting in, thoughts of my past, the pain, and hurt. Getting out I took a long glance at my reflection, my mother was a brunette and so was I, I inherited her brown hair which cascaded in endless curls down my back.

After many reasons to cut it in the past it only grew longer, fixing my hair into a side ponytail I glanced up at my eyes which alienated me from everyone else it dimmed a dark violet best reflecting my mood.

My mother had always claimed I got my eyes from my father, I questioned her about it many times; nobody had violet eyes but she always hushed me and told me it was genetics.

Taking a quick glance at my body, my skin was a natural pale with no trace of tan to darken, which was Mirwoods fault, the sun was always neatly tucked behind the smokes and pollution, all year round it always remained the same. Searching my wardrobe for anything appealing to wear I found none other than my usual plain white t-shirts and black jeans, reaching into my right pocket of my jeans from the previous day I stared at the address blankly.

Lockhill lane, Sector 1

Simple words that said so little but yet seem to say so much, holding the piece of paper in my hand I thought to the area it would be in; apparent tall and sophisticated building much larger than the rusty and torn down apartments here.

One thing about the sectors was that they were not separated by fences or patrols like other places I have heard about, here we have the freedom to go where we want to.

At least, there is a but to the situation, if anyone from sector 3 is caught in any of the other sectors with no explanation, one simple word that keeps the separation was death.

I was a bit hesitant about leaving out my sector but with my mum's car and the note of where I was going, it provided some sort of solid evidence. Praying I wouldn't get caught by anyone I simply wrote a note to my mum, saying I would be borrowing her car and will be home soon, grabbing my sweater for my door hanger I swiftly left through the door.

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