Chapter 3~ The Incident

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     *Mira's room above*  

Walking back home I briefly glanced at my surroundings. The weather was brutal, black smokes cascaded down  from houses while the air and ground were black as coal. The trees were leafless and brittle, metal scraps and remnants of items were scattered everywhere. 

Mirwood is part of three different sectors. The sector that I lived in was region 3 one of the poorest sectors among the others, The second sector  was where the middle class lived, comfortably but not too classy.

I  envied them because they had better lives than us but a pure hatred engulfed me for sector one, the richest sector of all it wasn't fair,  I believed in equal rights for all the sectors, but things didn't work that way.

Politics these days believed your annual income purely depended on where you will live, quite stupid when you think about it the environment did not contribute to helping people rise up from their difficulties, but rather less staying in them. Shrugging off my thought as I neared the apartment, I took out the keys and unlocked the door.

''Mum!'' I yelled as I neared the living room but as I suspected she was once again busy with another client.

Tiptoeing towards my room, I shut the door and laid on my bed blocking out the blaring  noise.

The moans and groans filled the room, in all my efforts to ignore the sound, it only grew louder.

Why does she always make matters worse for me?  Sighing softly to myself I gazed towards the window. 

My attention was grabbed by the ladies from the Grill and the strange man, pulled up in front was a red convertible, curiosity filled me only the rich ever had expensive cars. Looking further I spotted him go into the driver's side and the blonde and brunette into the back seat, truthfully there were lots of things wrong with that situation, but I shrugged it off. After all, it was'nt any of my buisness.

''Give me my money John please'' my mother shrieked loudly.

 Glancing towards the door, I got near and listened.

''Get off me you whore, I said I will pay you later'' he yelled back louder.

 ''The rent...I need the money'' she pleaded desperately bursting into tears. 

''That shit ain't my problem Anna, don't you save money in the dirty sock of yours.''

He spoke carefree, the situation didn't seem to affect him by his tone which angered me the more. 

''How about Miranda...I'll give you another round free me John I need the money''

Her plea broke into a sudden call of desperation. 

''The child is eighteen, woman she can get a job, and get your dirty hands off me!''

He snapped immediately after her first response. 

I choose to listen longer, sliding off the door I settled unto the ground  many clients were like John vile, cruel, and rough towards my mother but they always paid. My mother endured it for she needed the money to shelter me and her. Inhaling in softly it always pained me to think pain was my own personal customer.

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