Chapter 20

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I'm meeting up with Landon today I got out of bed and changed into a dress shirt and some jeans grabbing my vans I put those on and went in my bathroom grabbing my gel I put it in my hair and combed it through. I brushed my teeth I sprayed some cologne on and applied some deodarant. I grabbed my phone and my keys before leaving the house.

I met up with Landon at Queens shops. He was sitting outside of Starbucks, "Hey man"

"Hey" he said standing up and fist bumping each other. We started to walk around and go into some stores buying things for ourselves. 

"How have you been?" I asked him

"Good, you?"

"I'm ok"

"What's wrong man you look a little down" he said placing a hand on my shoulder

I sighed and told him everything about Sheri when I was finished he started laughing at me, "Hey don't go laughing at me ok" I said

"Sorry but seriously you didn't want to ruin your reputation of being the bad boy so you ended up picking on her instead. Dude that's the wrong way to go with a woman" he said

"I know and I fucked up bad"

"Well there's nothing you can do and if she's stubborn to want you make her jealous or let her go" he said placing his hand on my shoulder once again.

"Thanks man. Any of ideas though on what I can do to win her over besides making her jealous and letting her go? I asked him with a slight glare because that small piece of advice wasn't really helping.

"Yeah let's see if you can buy her something maybe she'll accept it and if not then you either make her jealous or again let her go because she really isn't worth your time and energy to be chasing after her besides there are plenty of other fish in the sea and you've got a bunch of them walking around here" he said checking out some girls.

I wasn't going back to that kind of person again I'm doing this for myself and for Sheri I'm changing for the both of us. We left Queens shops and drove around Kona. I stopped to look for jewelry for Sheri I walked into Kona Jewelers before Sheri changed I knew that she loved going to the beach and loved to paddle as I was looking for jewelry. Landon called me over to a case, "Hey Chase look at this one" he was looking at one that had a dolphin on it I looked at it and shook my head I walked around the store and then I found a Hawaiian Canoe necklace and it was a traditional T-top paddle. I brought the necklace and walked out of the store with a smile on my face. 

"Hey let's go get eat at Ba-le's" Landon suggested I nodded and followed him. We parked our cars and excited I saw Eric and another guy in Royal Hawaiian Heritage Jewelry they came out with bags and they were talking about Sheri. I watched as Eric went in his car and the other guy went on his motorcycle and only then did I realize his cut that said Demon which means that he's biker. I watched them drive and curiosity got the best of me why would they be talking about Sheri? And what the hell was Eric doing with a biker? I was lost in my thoughts when Landon cleared his throat.

"You good?" he asked me I blinked a few times before clearing my throat, "Yeah sorry just spaced out for a few minutes" I said then followed him to Ba-le's. We ordered our food and ate.

"So Sheri you really care for her don't you?" Landon asked with a smirk and amusement dancing in his eyes

"Yes, why?" I asked him looking at him suspicously

"Nothing. I'm just asking" he said with a shrug of his shoulders before continuing to eat. I sighed and ate my food, "She's rejected me and pushed me away" I admitted

"Look if you really want her you gotta fight for her" Landon said

"I am fighting for her but she doesn't seem to see that I'm changing for her and frustrates me that I want to be with her, to make her happy but she doesn't accept the fact that I'll never change" I said

"Have you showed her that you care for her?" 

"Yes I did, she took me out to this cabin that she was staying at and we talked I showed her that I cared for her but she brushed me off"

"You're just not trying hard enough, she's got tough skin"

"Yes she does and it's not easy getting through to her" I said.

"She'll break eventually" Landon said I nodded and we finished eating. We hung out a little bit more before going our seperate ways. I got home and my family was sitting in the living room, "Son take a seat please" my dad said I walked over and sat down.

"As you know we were supposed to have a family meeting last night until someone decided to walk away without being excused from the table" my dad said

"You really going to call me out on my shit Dad?" I growled looking him dead in the eye

"Watch your mouth in this house Chase" my dad said leaning foward

"Or what?" I challenged him

"That's it" my said and stood up and so did I we looked at each other when my dad spoke up, "Your sister told us somethings about you" my dad said I looked down at my sister, "What did you tell them?" I asked her

"Look at me son you leave your sister out of this. That Sheri girl is changing you, you're not going to school, you're skipping your classes and failing them. What the hell is wrong with you?" my dad said

"There is nothing wrong with me and don't bring Sheri into this I'm trying to make things right between her and I" I said my dad opened his mouth to say something but I wasn't done, "And you wanna know what else whatever buisness is going on between me and Sheri is between us don't say another word about her in my presence" I said raising my voice a little towards my dad

"We should have never brought her into this family" my dad growled

"The fuck does that mean?" I yelled

"Chase honey we're just trying to help you" my mom said I was angry with my dad that I snapped at her, "Well I don't need you're fucking help"

"You will not talk to your mother like that" my father yelled with authority in his voice but I didn't back down instead of retaliating back I walked past him and went straight to my room, "Son we're not done talking get back here" my dad yelled

"Yeah well I am" I yelled back before slamming my bedroom door and locking it. I went to my closet and grabbed a duffle bag I started to pack whatever I could before grabbing my school bag and walking out of my room past the my family that was still sitting out there, "Where do you think you're going?" my dad said I ignored him and walked to my car putting everything in I saw the bag that held Sheri's gift I didn't realize that I left it in the car I jumped in the drivers seat and left my house going to one of my friends I wasn't going to put up with this shit. 

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