Chapter 5

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Sheri's fighting outfit above

Tonight was my fight I was nervous but pumped at the same time. 

Eric said he'll be in the crowd cheering me on and I had Damon with me in the back. He made sure to wrap my hands before letting me warm up. I bounced on the balls of my feet and practiced my moves. Tonight was wrestling so no gloves and no mouth guards. I had a few take downs that I knew would work and pin my opponent on the ground and have them tap out. I was wearing an outfit similar to AJ Lee's. A black crop top that laced up in the front, black and blue shorts with a black studded belt, black and blue under the knee converse, black knee pads, black bracelets and a black and blue stripe beanie. The announcer called out the first fight I had to study and watch all of my opponents videos this morning and I had to look at their files. 

They called up a fighter named Irish Bling, the music blasting from the speaker was some Irish song to be honest I don't know who the hell that is but from what I read she's had zero wins and 13 loses all by take down. This girl's from Ireland and she's 21 years old she's been wrestling for 3 years. Her opponent was called The Orcale she's had 12 wins, 5 loses, she's been champ for a year, this girl is from New Jersey, she's 28 years old and she's wrestled for 10 years. The bell rang signaling the fight to begin. I also read up that her take down move was called the Orbital Shoulder Throw. The fight was over and the Orcale won

I was placed in the second event for tonight and my opponent was someone who went by the name Misty. My wrestling name was Phoneix one of the moves that I use to take down my opponents is the Pitbull tight grip. The first event was over and they called out Misty first she's had 2 wins, 7 loses all by submission, she's from Miami, she's wrestled for 2 years, she's 20 years old. I don't know how long it's been since I've been back in the ring but I know that I can win this fight, I skipped school to train with Damon today. I was quick on my feet I studied her more than all the other opponents I knew what her strengths were and what her weaknesses were. I heard the announcer announce, "We haven't seen this girl in years, 3 years of championship and holding that title, won all her fights with submission and she is the youngest fighter that we have here tonight. She's back introducing Phoneix" They called me out into the ring and my song blasted through the speakers. I made my entrance and walked down to the ring hearing all the cheers from the crowd pumped me up and got me excited even more.

I entered the ring and stood in my corner. I looked at Misty she has brown hair, green eyes and looked to be around my height or taller. The referee entered the ring and stood in between us holding both his hands out and looking at the both of us. I got into my stance and got ready, she just paced and stared me down when the rung the bell the ref moved out of the way and let us fight.

She charged at me but I moved and dodged all I wanted to do was get this fight done and over with and go home. I ran to the rope and leaned back clotheslining her to the mat. I pinned her down and the referee only hit the mat twice before she kicked her feet up. Normally I end my fights quick and everybody has their own fighting styles, I normally wait to use my submission or take down move but tonight I was going to use it early. Misty ran at me and I did the same except I put her in the pitbull tight grip, she had no where to go and she was stuck in the middle of the ring. She cried out and reached out her hand, I tightened my grip and waited a few more seconds before she tapped out. The bell rung signaling the fight was done and the announcer said, "Here is you're winner Phoneix" the crowd cheered, the ref raised my arm in the air. When I got back to the room I grabbed my stuff and left I didn't stay for the rest of the fights. It's just how I am Damon was waiting for me outside with Eric they both hugged me and congratulated me. Damon knew that I was going to leave early so I'm guessing he did some convincing to have my money given to me.

Damon handed me an envelope, "How much is in here?" I asked he didn't answer so instead I opened the envelope and saw tons of cash inside. I looked up Damon and back in the envelope. 

"Damon how much is in here?" I asked hesitantly

He smiled and me and put his hands in his pocket, "There should $200 grand in there" he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"$200 grand? But how?"

"I have my ways. I know you need it Sheri" he said. My eyes started to water and flew myself at him wrapping my arms around his neck, "Thank you" was all I said before I let the tears fall. Damon hugged me back in a tight grip he released me a few minutes after and said that he needed to go but if I ever needed anything to give him a call like I always do. Eric and I said bye and got in my car. 

We got back to his house and I needed a shower. I put the money in my bag and grabbed some clothes, I walked into the bathroom and turned on the water while I waited for the water to warm up I stripped out of my wrestling outfit and then checked the waters temperature I jumped in and let the warm water cascade down my body. I heard the door open and the rustling of clothes before the curtain was pulled back and Eric entered the shower. He wrapped me in his embrace and kissed me. I kissed back and pulled away.

"I'm proud of you, you did good tonight" he said and started to stroke my cheek I leaned into his touch and smiled, "Thank you"

The bathroom was filled with comfortable silence there was no sexual tension or desire in the air, he did however hold me until I told him I wanted to get out to change. I was wearing capris and a long sleeve, I jumped into Eric's bed and went under the covers he came out of the bathroom a few minutes later with a towel wrapped around his waist and a smaller one around his shoulders. I couldn't help but lick my lips and watch as a drop of water made a trail down his sculpted body I was pulled my thoughts when I heard him chuckle, "Like what you see?"

I bit my lip and nodded, "Vey" he chuckled and shook his head walking to his closet looking for something to wear. He changed and then got into bed. I laid my head on his chest and instantly went to sleep with a smile on my face.

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