Chapter 1: Pregnancy News

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Miley's POV:
For the last couple of months, I have gained a little weight and been experiencing morning sickness.  I don't know why, but my mom thinks I'm pregnant.  So does Danielle, who has gone through 2 pregnancies, and Sophie, who went through one.

My husband Nick Jonas wakes up every morning to find me throwing up in the toilet in the bathroom next to the bedroom.  He holds my hair back and when I'm done, takes me back, puts me on the bed, kisses me, and talks to me.  It's the same conversation.

"Miley, tell me the truth.  Is there a Jonas in there?" as he points to my stomach.

"I don't know.  My mom thinks there is, even Dani and Sophie."

"They would know, even my mom."

"Ugh, I don't know.  If I am, it's unplanned.  We're not ready."

"We will be.  Kevin and Joe weren't ready until they held theirs in their arms.  Sophie and Dani as well."

Today, though, was different.  Nick decided to take me to a doctor.  Once we got in the room the nurse put us in, she asks me some questions and them leaves to get the doctor.  They take a while, but she finally comes five minutes later.

"Ah, Mrs. Jonas.  How are you?"

"I'm good."

"You're sick, I believe.  Tell me the symptoms please."

I told her the morning sickness, weight gain, even some cravings, and other stuff I've been feeling.

"Those sound like signs of a pregnancy.  Shall we do an ultrasound to find out?"

Nick nods his head and the doctor gets ready.  She has me lie down with my shirt rolled up so she can put the gel on and moves the thing around on my stomach until he sees something and points to it.  "Yup, that's a baby.  8 weeks, may I say."

I start crying because this is unplanned.  We didn't want to have kids until we were 28 or 29.  I felt Nick's arms wrap around me and his kiss on my forehead.  "Shhh, it's ok, Miley.  We can deal with this.  It's going to be alright."

The doctor leaves, telling us that we have to make monthly appointments with her and we will be able to find out the sex when I'm four months along if we wanted to.  Once she leaves, I turn to Nick.  "I don't want a kid right now.  How are we supposed to take care of him or her?"

"We will be ready, ok?  Remember Kevin, Danielle, Sophie, and Joe weren't even ready until they held their kids."


The doctor comes in with the picture of the ultrasound, gives it to us, and leaves us again.  We leave the room, make the next appointment, and leave the office.

On the way home, Danielle calls me.  "Hey, Miles.  Are you pregnant?" was the first thing she said.

"Yes.  We got us a little peanut.  Nick took me to a doctor today."

"Ooh, how far along?"

"8 weeks."

"Oh, wow.  That's 2 months then.  When are you going to tell people?"

"Haven't discussed that yet.  We're taking the news in first.  We did get a picture of the ultrasound though."

"Good idea.  Maybe you can use that as the announcement."

"Hahahaha, maybe."

"What are you doing for the gender?  Is it going to be a surprise until birth or are you finding out soon?"

"I don't know.  Again we still have to discuss it, but the doctor says that we'll find out in two months."

"Ooh, well, congratulations, guys.  Bye!"

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