41; loyalty

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Hey. It's been a while. I'm very sorry, please forgive me.... I'll buy you chocolates if you do... ALSO, can we just appreciate this pic of Flynn for a minute?

Enjoy. :)

Here's a recap bcos it's been a while:
Last chapter, wedding preparations were underway, it was the day before the wedding. The whole 'love' thing was on everyone's minds, and just before Flynn could tell Ben those three words, Casey burst in the room and it made Ben moody. Also, Ben and Flynn decided they would not tell Jace and Zach yet about their relationship. Beyond all of this, Flynn's started to warm up to Karen, and Flynn and his dad have hidden differences (read chap. 37 for a refresher on this)


"...till death do us part." They said in unison.

"You may now kiss-"

"Don't need to tell me twice." Tasha laughed, grabbing Wendy's cheeks and pulling her closer.

The guests all jumped in glee, cheering like mad and clapping vigorously. Ben intwined his fingers with mine and I leaned on his shoulder. The exhilaration of such a significant event made my heart beat hard and my grin to widen.

I've always loved the thought of marriage, ever since I was little. Mum had me before she got married, so I was able to attend the wedding when they did finally get round to tying the knot. That, and I had a lot of weddings for my cousins and our family friends. I've been so suffocated by marriage that I just gleam at the thought of two people, officially becoming one. It was beautiful.

The smell of Ben's aftershave, and the bliss I felt inside me, sent me into a daze. A daze that concluded in Ben and I tying the knot one day. Sure, we were in a new relationship, but if I didn't think it would last, then I wouldn't have gotten into this with him. It just felt so right, thinking about the two of us getting married. I've been in so many relationships in the past, and this one just felt entirely different somehow. I've never felt so loved in my life, and like there was a happy and bright future. With Ben, I felt a sense of belonging, I felt my feelings being reciprocated, and most of all, I felt wanted. I couldn't help but think of all the extraordinary adventures, and just as extraordinary memories that we'd capture.

"Hey, can't fall asleep yet, the reception is still to come." Ben mumbled under his breath.

"I'm not falling asleep I'm just... too content to function."

"Okay? That makes sense." he scoffed jokingly.

"Shut up, you don't know because you haven't experienced it yet. Complete and utter bliss." I mumbled drowsily. I wasn't tired, but it just sounded that way.

"Hmm." he replied, and then stopped talking after that, he was perfectly fine with me using his arm as my headrest and didn't bother me for his arm back. At least not until people started getting up.

I straightened out my clothes and twisted and turned my torso until my back clicked, and caught sight of Jace and Zach sat at the back row. With a quick peek at Ben, I nudged my head ever so slightly towards them and he nodded as if assuring me he'd follow through with our decision to keep our relationship a secret.

A weird feeling passed through my body at the reason why he wanted us to stay on the down low. He didn't love me yet. It was painful, and I wasn't sure how long I would be able tolerate without hearing a reply.

Zach and Jace met us at the corner of the hall where it was quiet and hidden, and we exchanged hugs and greetings. They sure looked like a nice couple, I could practically feel their lovey dovey aura around them, especially with the handholding and close proximity.

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