10; an old hate fire

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I ended up crying until everyone went to sleep and the house was eerily quiet.

It was all a damn fairytale. All of it. Never will I be able to live the same life that I tried so hard to build. I had so many friends and I could talk to about anything.

Now it's all gone. Everything. Everyone was getting on with their own lives and I was still stuck here with my stupid illness.

Kyle and Zach were the only two friends who knew about my illness, and I didn't want to disturb them with my issues.

Wyatt and Mia had exams and I wouldn't want to disturb them either, and I just can't bring myself to tell them about everything. They condo probably guess given how I acted when I last saw them, but I like them not knowing because they won't treat me like an ill person like everyone else.

The look on Ben's face said it all. The way he was just looking at me with so kind much pity. I mean seriously, he wouldn't have been as kind as he was today if he didn't know about me. To think we were actually getting along makes me want to laugh. We'd never get along, no matter what.

I had a feeling it wasn't going to be the last time seeing that face, and not just from him, but everyone I tell.

Is it just hard for people to understand I want to be treated like a normal person? I don't want to be treated like somebody who could change moods quicker than somebody clicking their fingers.

I think the only person whose treating me normally is Karen. I haven't noticed a change in attitude towards me, and for that, I'm grateful. How did I ever think she was a terrible person? I guess under all of that cake makeup, was a person worth giving a chance.

As for Casey, well she's obviously is very young, so I wouldn't blame her for the change in attitude. I'm sure she'll get over it. Dad worries a lot, especially after everything I've been through, so of course he'd be very on edge about my disease. Perhaps after some time, he'll come around and then finally treat me normally.

Can't I just sleep for eternity? At least that way, I won't have to deal with my illness and I won't have to talk to anyone either.

My phone buzzed for the thousandth time, and out of rage, I ripped it out from my coat pocket and saw three missed calls and a text from an unknown number. It didn't take a genius to figure out whose number it was.

To: Me
From: Unknown Number (07834612767)

Hey Flynn, I'm not sure what I said offended you, but I feel terrible about what happened and would like to speak with you so I can understand better.
I'll be over tomorrow because apparently Casey invited my brother over for another practice, so if you want to talk then let me know. I won't be sticking around this time if you really don't want to see me.

I took in a breath and threw my phone on the bed. It fell off the side and made a loud thump as it hit the floor. I cussed to myself and hoped it wouldn't wake anybody up.

I stripped off my clothes and crawled into bed suddenly feeling exhausted. Perhaps sleeping right now was a good idea, at least I would get a moment of peace from the hell that's my life.

-- -- --

I glanced to the alarm clock on my bedside table, only to realise how naked it looked because the clock wasn't there and it was across the room with the batteries sprawled all over the floor.

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