Extra; Flynn & Ben Encounters (3)

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This is last and final chapter of the 'Flynn and Ben Encounters' series. Enjoy! (:

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8th September 2006 (year seven - first day of secondary school).

"Everyone line up in your tutor groups!" The headmaster announced to the 150 lost year sevens wandering around.

A new year, a new school. I hated new starts, they were so unpredictable! I liked primary school, I liked being the oldest, I liked the environment.

For five years or so, I'll be here every single day from Monday to Friday, and everybody I meet here will either turn into live long friends,  enemies or strangers.

I grinned to myself as I stood in front of my new tutor teacher, Miss Lancaster. Her brown hair flowed down her back and her purple cardigan contrasted well with the long navy dress she wore.

"Flynn Hopper, I'm glad you'll be in my class. I've looked into the records of everyone in the tutor and yours shines the brightest! Welcome to 7H1."

I smiled at her and fiddled with my fingers, suddenly feeling a little coy and awkward. I haven't even been here for a day and I'm already the tutor's favourite student.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a small boy with unruly blonde hair. He looked to me, almost as if he's testing me. I narrowed my eyes at him, but failed to hold the eye contact so I looked away as he did.

Looking to him again, I could see he was looking straight ahead. Who was this guy? Why was he staring at me? Why did he look a little irritated at me? This was only my first day, and I think I've already made an enemy.

He picked up his large rucksack from the ground and slipped his arms through the straps. Damn, did he want that thing to make him fall to the ground? How many books did he have in there? And what on earth was he trying to prove?

Prom Night, July 2011

(this is Flynn's entire prom night and involves parts without Ben involved, but there are of course the parts with Ben as promised in these type of chapters).

Everybody hurriedly packed into the limo and my entire body was shaking with nerves and I'm not sure why. It was just prom, I can totally handle this.

Marcia and I had been planning to go to prom together, wearing colour coordinated clothes and she said that I'd have to buy her one of those flowery things that go on her wrist but look how that turned out. She wasn't even here, we weren't even together and I can't even take her back for multiple reasons.

I was sat at the back of the limo next to Kyle and we were on our way to Zach's house. I went to Kyle's house after school and we got ready together, which was sort of fun.

We played video games on his PlayStation for hours, waiting for six o'clock to come by, which is the time we had decided we'd get changed.

"Your hands are shaking." Kyle pointed out, his voice low and laced with care.

"Yeah." I replied, shutting down the topic completely.

I dug my hand into my pocket and took out the flowery thing I had decided to buy. I wanted to give this to Marcia even if we weren't attending together; she deserved the prom of her dreams and I only wanted to help her get as close to it as possible.

As we stepped out the limo, everyone's eyes were on us. We were late by an hour or so, but it was fine because it didn't look like prom was in full swing yet.

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