35; the night we met

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I feel like this chapter is a little scrappy... I mean, at one point I thought of this really amazing paragraph, but as soon as I opened up wattpad to write it, it disappeared out of my mind so I'm sorry about how sloppy it sort of is around the middle.

Disclaimer; this chapter breaks the PG-13 barrier, which means I'll soon be giving this book a Mature rating. Also, I'm really not great at these scenes, so they're not highly detailed either.


The sun had set a while ago, and Ben and I were sat on a grassy patch near the fire. He has spread his legs out in front on him, so I took the opportunity to sit in between them and rest my body against his warm chest.

Wyatt and his girlfriend were nearby, I think we all silently made an agreement to split up and do our own things until we start to leave. I don't think they'd enjoy mine or Ben's company when we're all cuddled up like this and going on about the same dilemma about our relationship, and besides, I felt a little awkward myself seeing those two act all cute and in love in front of me too.

For a split second, it felt like it was just Ben and I, together here, by ourselves, so I knew how it felt. Nothing mattered with Ben here, it was as if he was my only priority, and the only person who I'd ever allow to pass judgement. Trust me to be the sensitive one out of everyone I know, I had always been the one to give into everybody else's judgement, no matter what it was; I was always the skinny, lanky freak and Ben was always the brooding nerd, so I guess we were outcasts together.

The warmth of the fire was comforting, as was Ben's forearm that was wrapped around me. Nothing had been spoken between us for over five minutes, which was actually a lot of time. It might've been from tiredness, or it might've been from the fact we were relishing in this moment. Either way, I wondered what he was thinking. I already knew how much of an enigma this guy was, and I was determined to be the one person who was able to crack him. At this stage, I should be able to.

I was already making progress noticeably, but since Ben was an endless stream of surprises, a new mission popped up each day. Small things that he'd do would usually go completely unnoticed, like the fact he'd lift his right eyebrow when he's confused, and when he's posing or making a point, he'd lift only his left brow up. Sometimes, usually when he's cooking or he's cleaning, he'd hum - usually a song he's into at that moment, but if it's a throwback, then he's in a good mood, and it would usually be the same three throwbacks.

I turned my head to face him, and caught him staring in the distance with his lips pursed together - he's impatient. I turned my whole body around to focus on him, all the while wondering if he notices small things about me like I do with him. It was fair to say Ben's entire persona screamed observant, because he'd never approached something or someone without some sort of scrutiny and revision in his head beforehand. It would be rare for him to ever have a moment of uncertainty without clarity.

"D-do you, like... uh.. think you know me well enough?" I trembled, feeling a rainfall of embarrassment wash over me.

"Of course." he said, showing no hesitation or hinderance.

"Alright." I said, feeling a little rebellious. "Prove it."

He smirked in return and straightened up. "You get super jealous, and sometimes it really obvious. You turn your head to the side and grit your teeth, or you look like you're on the verge of tears."

"What–" I butt in.

"I'm not done." he bit his lip, "you're a big foodie, so let's talk about that. You're favourite flavour of ice cream is pistachio, you hate fried food, you say you don't drink fizzy drinks, but sometimes you sneak a little Dr. Pepper, so I make sure to buy some cans for you for when you stay over, and lastly, you're currently obsessed with marshmallow fluff, even more obsessed than you are of peanut butter, which is saying something."

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