08; burden

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Tapping my feet along to the beat of the radio, I tried to keep my mind as distracted as possible. I was parked across the road and I couldn't work up enough courage to get my butt out the car.

The neighbourhood looked all welcoming and pretty with all the Christmas lights on people's roofs and flowers planted on their front lawn. I liked this neighbourhood.

My phone was switched because Karen and Dad were both calling me, but I didn't want to talk to them. Especially not after finding out that Dad had been keeping such a huge secret from me.

A couple silent moment passed, thoughts were just shouting at me in my head, telling me to get out the car and press the damn doorbell, however, my feet were practically paralysed and didn't want to move at all.

My body ached from exhaustion for an unknown reason, and all I wanted to do right now was lay in my bed back home and sleep for eternity.

I watched as a woman with a tiny build open up the door that I had been staring at for the past hour or so; she hugged her coat to her chest as she shielded herself from the angry wind that swept the entire town. She hobbled over in my direction, but her face was hidden from me because her head was facing down.

It took me a couple moments to register what was happening, but once she knocked three times on the window, I saw her youthful face and stunning grey eyes looking at me through the slightly tinted window.

I pressed the unlock button on the door and she rushed over to the other side of the car and slid into the passenger seat, sorting out her unruly hair that failed to keep inside her hairband.

"Flynn, what are you doing here?"

I gulped and turned in her direction. "Nice to see you too, 'Marcy."

"I told you not to call me that." She huffed. "Seriously, why are you here?"

"Just a stopover before I visit my mother in Sheffield." I said quietly, my voice breaking a little at the end. "How's life?"

"How's life? Flynn, How's life?! Is that all you've got?" Her brows were knitted together and her fists were slightly clenched.

"I'm sorry." I pursed my lips, "I'll just go, I'll just get out your hair..."

"No." She sighed, "I'm sorry, but it's just been so long, you know? I missed you."

"Why didn't you reply to my text?"

"I was just... Overwhelmed, I guess. I mean, it's just that, after that night, I just..."

"It's alright, you don't have to explain." I grabbed her cold hands in mine.

"Your dad rung my mobile a couple times. Told me you just ran out on him." She sighed, "what happened?"

I frowned and ducked my head before leaning over and uncomfortably placed my head on her shoulder.

"You don't have to tell me now, or ever." She said with a little assurance in her tone. "Do you want to come inside? It's a bit late to go to Sheffield right now, don't you think?"

"Isn't Jacob-"

"Jacob was a fuckboy." She laughed, "that was so one and a half years ago, you bum."

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