extra; Ben & Flynn Encounters (2)

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Flynn & Benjamin Encounters (Part 2 of 3): Christmas Break

19th December 2009 (Year 10)

"Oh crap." I yelled as I fell into a pair of strong arms before I could face plant the ice.

I didn't even need to turn around to know the culprit of the strong arms, I could smell his chocolatey scent and feel his overly gelled quiff on the back my neck.

"Didn't realise I was the type of person you'd fall for, Hopper." Ben said as I turned around to face him.

I rolled my eyes at his stupid comment. "I'm surprised you caught me this one time. I would've thought you would enjoyed seeing me covered in snow, freezing and shivering..."

"I contemplated it but then again, I have morals." He smirked.

"Morals that find it okay to beat me up?" I said, and treaded carefully out of the school gates and across the road. Benjamin was following me, "you're going this way too?"

"Guess so." He pursed his lips and pulled up the zip of his very warm looking coat so that it just about covers his chin.

"Why are you talking to me, you know, when you hate my guts and made me black out?" I really wanted to know, I mean, just a month ago, he beat the shit out of me. I wasn't trying to pick a fight or anything because Christmas time was approaching and I didn't want to spoil the mood and spoil the holidays.

"Forgive and forget, right?"

"Oh dear, fuck you." I snorted and shoved him a little, causing him to stumble and nearly face plant the snow. He quickly recovered with fast reflexes and amazing agility before glaring at me with a hint of amusement showing on his face.

"Where do you live?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Woah, calm down there, Matthews, I don't fuck on the first date." I turned around to see him behind me looking dumbfounded and frozen in his spot, he caught up to me but just glared.

"So where do you part?"

"Over there," I pointed to a street a few yards away. "On Grove Ave. You?"

"Hedger's End." I nodded in understanding. Hedgerly End was a good fifteen minute walk from me.

"Doing anything for Christmas?" I shoved my hands into my pocket and tried my best to not look at him in the eye, I admit that his presence scares me a little bit and I felt awkward just standing within a ten metre proximity from him.

"Apart from visiting my grandparents for the first week and volunteering the second week, nothing really. You?" He said politely, almost too politely if you ask me...

"There's some family coming over all the way from America and on Boxing Day I'm going to this party with Zach." I was so pumped for Boxing Day because it's going to be awesome, whenever I'm with Zach and Liam & co, I feel like I belong, I feel superior.

"Nice." We came to a halt and I noticed we were already across the street from my house.

"Have fun, Merry Christmas." I said cheerily, trying my best to put up a guard that shows I'm not scared of him.

"You too, happy new year." he replied, a little half-arsed too, but that's just his attitude I guess.

I quickly ran across the road and walked about two metres before I walked down the street I lived on, Ben was spiralling in my thoughts once again, all through the rest of the walk home and all evening.

25th December 2009

Ben was invading my thoughts again.

So yeah, sure, maybe I did think about Ben a lot but I don't fancy him or anything, pfft. Even though he had muscles to die for and a chiselled jaw that could cut through steel but I wasn't falling for him, theoretically and literally. That situation after school was because it was icy, very icy because our government was too shit to get salt put on the pavements.

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