22; erase and replace

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Marcia had finally completed her trip to Manchester and part of me was relieved because as much as I hated to admit it, some female company was needed right now, especially from somebody that knew me inside and out.

However, I didn't particularly want to create a strong relationship with her - at least nowhere as close as we used to be - but I just wanted somebody equal and fair, who stands at a point of view where there isn't any hate or like aimed towards Ben to begin with.

To be honest, I just wanted somebody who wouldn't drone on about him, I haven't been able to have a day without talking or thinking about him for quite some time now.

Which is exactly why I had organised for Mia to visit.

Wyatt would've also come into the equation if it weren't for all the workload that's piling up for him, poor guy had mounts of essays to write and so many damn lectures to attend to that it was only after ringing him several times that he actually answered. He wasn't on top of things like Mia was.

I was practically tripping over my own feet when I heard the doorbell ring and I was grinning from ear to ear when I opened it up and came face to face with her.

"Flynn!" She screamed, dropping her bags on the ground, probably shattering anything fragile in there. She stretched her arms out and suffocated me in her huge embrace, I barely had time to react.

"I haven't seen you in a trillion years!" she squealed, finally letting go. I grinned and grabbed her bags from outside. Nothing sounded broken as I shook it gently, so I assumed she'd be totally fine with me just chucking her bags in the corner by the stairs so I could take them upstairs later.

"This is Mia?" Karen asked, I didn't answer, but it wasn't like I had time to because Mia just shoved me out the way and stood in front of my stepmum.

"You look so young to be a mum. What the fuck?"

Karen chuckled and blushed. "Don't be daft, love."

"Mia, c'mon, so much to do, such little time." I hissed, tugging on her arm impatiently.

"Wait wait wait, I don't want to be disrespectful." She pulled her arm back from my grip.

I raised my brow at her.

"I need to make sure we fit time in for Yorkshire tea and Yorkshire pudding."

"Are you serious?"


"You know what, forget it, come on!" I grabbed her bag from where I had thrown it and raced up the stairs like a child on a sugar high, Mia followed behind me closely.

"I'm just saying, wouldn't it be disrespectful?" She droned on as we got inside my room. "I've never been this far up north, and I haven't tried those things-"

"Mia!" I cut her off, "it's not disrespectful and that's like saying I have to have afternoon tea with the queen because you live in central London."

She laughed an jumped on to my bed, "Flynn, your bed is so comfy."

"That's what all my one night stands say too, I think that's probably the reason they keep coming back." I snickered, and for her moment, she looked absolutely mortified. "Not completely true, we all know they came back because of my-"

"Okay, enough!" She snapped and threw a pillow at my head, it hit me right in the face so I threw it right back at her.

I sat up on the bed next to her and hugged a cushion to my torso. "How's uni?"

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