16; christmas day III

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I sat cross legged on the floor beside Ben as Casey handed out the presents to everyone. We had this tradition where we'd take everyone's presents and group them up accordingly and then we'd all go round in a circle, opening them. Before Karen and Casey came into the picture, I'd usually go first because I was an only child and I'd get the most presents out of the three of us, the same went for whenever we went to my grandparent's house because obviously, I'm the favourite and oldest child.

Dad had told me once that he liked this tradition because of how close it brings us together; I didn't exactly know how it does that, but apparently it does according to him.

"Let's start with Flynn." Karen said, smiling to me and motioning to the neatly wrapped presents in front of me. She was all cuddled up with Dad across from me and I didn't know if I should throw up or be jealous.

Taking a deep breath, I picked up the biggest present and ripped it free from the wrapping paper and saw that it was a speaker, an expensive one at that. That probably explains the lack of presents I have compared to Casey.

"Woah," Ben commented. "I might borrow that."

"Pssht, in your dreams." I snorted, putting the box down as diligently as I could.

"Dick." He muttered jokingly.




I grabbed the next few, which were all obviously a bunch of socks. I could tell from the shape. I've always needed more socks. There were a few presents left; one from Casey and one from Dad and then the rest were from everyone all together. I also have to go and fetch the present that Zach bought me and the mere thought of having to come face to face with Liam made me shudder.

Dad had bought me a few t-shirts, two of which were designer, and Casey had gotten me fairy lights. God, it's like people could read my mind. As I ripped open the last two presents, Ember ran in and jumped into the pile of wrapping paper that I made, creating a huge mess but erupting a bunch of giggles from everyone.

Ben grabbed her and started playing with her. If that wasn't the most adorable thing ever, then I don't know what is. He held her up and bought his face an inch of hers and starting cooing and I could just watch him do that all day with ease, even if it is a little embarrassing. She excitedly hopped about and then started chasing her pretty much non-existent tail before hopping into Ben's lap and licking his face like no tomorrow.

The last few presents I had gotten were pretty awesome. I got a new pair of trainers and it was the pair I had been wanting for a very long time as well as two ties, a family photo frame and some nice cufflinks.

"There's one more present for you." Karen said, feeling the area behind her before pulling out a gift bag. I furrowed by eyebrows together and took the bag from her and peeked inside. There was a royal blue box that I eagerly pulled out and opened.

"It's a bracelet and there are already two charms on it; one for perseverance and the other for belief. We believe that whatever you do is for the best and if dropping out of university is it, then that's fine." She said, taking a deep breath. "Hope you like it."

"I love it." I said, my voice cracking a little. Fuck, why was I being such a wimp? I don't want to cry right now, but it was getting difficult to hold back the tears. I crawled over to her on my knees and wrapped her up in a tight, if not awkward, hug. I was probably choking her, but she was being so amazing and I was finally happy about her being around.

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