04; a punch a day keeps the doctor away

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Karen had booked me appointment to see my doctor but I was completely dreading it. Leaving the house was difficult and resulted in a lot of shouting, mainly from dad, but that's only because it doesn't take long for him to flare up.

Casey was at school, thankfully, and my appointment was in ten minutes, but it takes fifteen minutes to get there with Dad's slow driving so maybe if I just hold off for a little longer...

"Flynn! Come on! We agreed yesterday!" Karen pleaded as she tugged on my sweatshirt. "And put a jacket on! It's raining cats and dogs!"

"But I've changed my mind now!" I whined childishly.

"It won't be bad, come on, Flynn. We have to go at some point." She said.

I stayed mute for a couple moments, before huffing and grabbing my jacket that I had laid out in the sofa earlier. I usually keep that organised, but getting my jacket ready was probably due to the anticipation. I barely slept last night, it was difficult when I had a million thoughts buzzing in my head, so I decided to unpack all my university shit all night. Now that was a nightmare. But hey, now I have a mini fridge in my room and a bunch of new bedding as well as a coffee machine and an entire new set of candles.

"Why do I have to go, again? I mean, I have my pills for when I feel like shit already." I muttered.

"Flynn, you know why you need to go, alright? You're not always feeling like crap, sometimes it's quite the opposite and you know that."

"That was only once. I was just excited about coming home!" I explained. It was a lie, and I knew it. It's not that I wasn't excited, I was in fact a little overexcited.

I shoved my arms through my navy raincoat and zipped it up all the way and did every button and checked every pocket-

"Stop stalling," Dad said, "come on, we have to be there on time."

"Like that's ever going to happen." Karen chortled as spun keys around her finger. "I'll drive. You, Pete, drive like an absolute granddad."

"I do not!" He argued, crossing his arms together. Karen and I just laughed and stood idly by the car while Dad locked the front door with his house keys.

"You actually kind of do." I agreed, "and you can't even do drifts, like, come on! Karen can!"

"I can indeed, because I took racing lessons." She smiled cockily and unlocked the car. We all slid in and clicked in our seat belts. Unfortunately, I was in the back.

"You what?" I gasped and leaned forward in my seat, sticking my head In between the two front seats.

"I had racing lessons when I turned twenty-seven. I stopped because I nearly killed a pigeon and felt super bad afterwards."

"I thought you were broke." I muttered to her.

"My dad. He bought the lessons because he regrets not doing jackshit when I was younger and he knew I was into that stuff." She snorted. "He's an ass."

"Yes, he is." Dad agreed.

"So, after nearly killing a pigeon, I didn't have the motivation to take a test to become a legit car racer. You get a cool license and everything and get invites to go to meet ups and stuff but now, it wouldn't be much use, it's fun and all, but hella dangerous. I'm too old for that."

"Can we go to a track day sometime? Please? I've always wanted to sit passenger with a race driver." I pleaded.

"I don't know, I've forgotten everything. Flynn, this was over ten years ago."

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