31; c'est la vie

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Valentine's Day was right around the corner.

Much to my dismay, Ben still hasn't planned a date. It's been what? Two and a half weeks? To be honest, I did sort of spring the idea up on him, and he doesn't seem like the type of person to organise dates.

So this was why I felt really excited for Valentine's Day.

I wasn't usually the type of person to plan something special for valentines. I've never had a valentine, believe it or not.

The high school me would buy roses and hand them out to girls in my year, like the chivalrous gentleman I am, however, things were different now, because I'm not the same person. Ben was my valentine, of course, so I could only think about him and nobody else.

I've been leaving sly hints to Ben about how I'd like to spend the day. Of course, it's his decision in the end, but I was just helping him along. I stuck brochures everywhere and tagged him in Facebook posts about outings in London, and I've also been eating much healthier because I know that if we do go out for a meal, I'd just pig out completely.

Part of me wondered if Ben was only delaying organising a date with me because he didn't like me in that way, or his feelings weren't very serious whereas I was starting to become crazy over him as time passed.

It was a possibility, probably not a very accurate one, but I had to consider everything. If it were true, then why did Ben kiss me? Why does he grab my hand whenever we're alone? Why does he open up so much to me?

I smiled at myself thinking about that last one. Ben was becoming more and more open with me, and it felt like such an honour. He was a closed book, a complete enigma.

Casey joined me at the breakfast bar and became just as lost in thought as I was. She ate her cereal with half of it falling back out of her mouth and she I could've sworn I saw her head nearly fall right into the bowl as she fought the idea of falling asleep again.

"What's wrong with you?" I laughed.

She turned to me, her expression unchanging. Her mouth was set in a frown and her eyes already half shut. "I had only three hours of sleep." She said monotonously.

"C'est la Vie." I murmured.

"Huh?" She murmured back, looking at me with an unamused expression. If she were wide awake, she would recognise the phrase.

"That's life."


I rolled my eyes and ate my last bite of toast before putting my plate in the sink. Dad walked in, looking just as dead as everyone else; he had bags under his eyes and his hair was a total mess.

"My, don't you look handsome?" I smirked.

"Of course I do, it's you who doesn't since you're adopted." He replied back. I continued on smirking, my dad and I were always like this, and it's so obvious that my sense of humour comes from him.

"I don't think we should be making those types of jokes now that I'm with Ben." I shrugged.

"You what?" Casey perked up, almost spitting out her cereal. Ahh, now she was wide awake.

"Yep, it's such a shame isn't it? Because now Harry is off limits."

"Shut up." She rolled her eyes, but I could see her cheeks being painted with a wonderful shade of red.

I really wondered to myself how Casey was so unaware of my relationship with Ben. I guess it's because I'm always at his, and when he comes over here, it's while Casey is at school or dance club. Or netball. Or–

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