36; a little tongue-tied

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"I don't think I've ever seen something that's both outrageously bad and wickedly talented at the same time." Ben grimaced, covering his eyes with his hand.

I bit back my laughter and stared at Wyatt wide eyed, and he just stood there, looking as frustrated as ever, trying to figure out why he kept failing.

"Try again." Ben sighed, holding up his bat at the ready. Wyatt threw a brand new shuttlecock in the air, obviously not bothering picking up his old one, which was across the room, behind him. However the hell he managed to do that was beyond me.

"Could I just serve?" I asked in a small voice as yet again, Wyatt failed to hit it across the net to Ben's side.

"No." Ben said. "Give him a chance."

"We've given him several chances, and several demonstrations." I huffed. "We haven't had a single rally."

"Do it like this instead." Ben said, holding his bat out horizontally in front of him and holding an imaginary shuttlecock in front of it with his spare hand. "You only need to give it a light tap."

"Alright." Wyatt said, mimicking his position but exaggerating way more than he needs to. He stuck his whole booty out, and looked as if he was about to hit the shuttlecock really far.

"A light tap..." I said.

"I get it." He replied.

Moments passed in agonising silence as Ben and I waited for the moment he finally served well. He swung his bat, and finally, hit the shuttlecock over the net. I could see from my peripherals, the small victory dance he did.

Ben hit it back effortlessly, barely having to put any power into his shot. I gave it a light tap one it reached our side, in hopes of only trying to get Ben out after a little rally. It was Wyatt and I against Ben, which may seem unfair, but he was the one who wanted to do it like this.

Ben had to pretty much drag me out today so that he could take me out badminton. It's something he's been doing as a weekly thing. A new kind of sport each week. I was absolutely hating it, already dreading the next one or two weeks coming up before I even find out what sport it is. It looked like Ben was trying to compromise however, because I have no energy at all for things like football, rugby or baseball, hence why we were playing badminton and doing sports like rollerskating next week - if you can call rollerskating a sport, that is.

The only downside to doing these 'slow' sports was that it kept me from seeing Ben do some cool flexing, like when he swings a bat, or works out on gym equipment. I suppose that watching his play football sort of makes up for it, but not really.

With the upcoming wedding next month, my weekly schedule has lately been quite full up with helping out. I thought I ought to make use of my free week now that I was out of education and unemployed. Not only was it keeping me busy, I was also distracted, and I felt like I've found at least something to keep my brain working.

"Hey you see, you're not that bad. You can at least hold a rally. It's just serving that is your downfall." Ben said exuberantly.

"Huh. Would you look at that." Wyatt said, a grin forming on his lips as he hit the shuttlecock across to Ben.

Meanwhile, I kept my arms crossed and stood idly as I watched the shuttlecock fly back and forth. Ben, I guess noticed this, and hit the shuttlecock in my direction, purposely having it hit the top of my head and drag me from my stupor.

"Your serve." He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes, throwing the cone shaped object in the air and whacking it with all the energy I have left, which was barely none if I'm being honest. I was getting tired by having to stand still.

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