06; sock-to-sock contact is overwhelming

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The film ended and I glanced over to the blonde haired grinch beside me who didn't look too good right now, his eyes were as wide as a deer's in the headlights and he looked puzzled.

"It's a film, okay? You can chill out." I comforted.

"What the fuck did I just watch?" He scratched his head. "And this-" he motioned to the space between us, "-is weird. Excuse me." We weren't even sat that close, I had a double bed and we were both sat right on the edges.

He stood up and flicked on the small table lamp above my dresser before going out the door and muttering something about wanting a cookie.

I had to laugh at how easily he makes himself feel at home, if I were at his house, then I'd ask if I can even go to the toilet because I didn't know him well enough.

I was watching funny cat videos by myself for a while, mainly just to get my mind away from Texas Chainsaw, man, the film was scary. Hell, I'm scared to sleep.

Karen was calling me downstairs, disrupting my small giggles, so I shut the lid of my laptop and headed down to the kitchen, where I saw her snacking on cookies with everyone else.

Like basically every time I see him, Ben just glared at me. My best guess was that he still disliked me, but then I muddled myself up thinking about all the laughs and jokes we've had today. All the endless teasing and talking, what was that about then? It seemed like the side of Ben I had never seen but the side that Jace and Zach and basically everyone but me get to see; It's his true colours.

Maybe it was because we were in front of other people, and that usually meant he had to keep his guard up, but we were in front of other people at the park, and we were actually having a nice conversation like normal adults.

Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I grabbed a cookie and sat on the breakfast bar beside Ben. He tensed but relaxed a little while after and ate his cookie in silence.

Even with the cheesy Christmas music blasting through the speaker, Dad's loud voice talking to Karen and Casey's discussion about unicorns with Harry, all I could focus on was how silent Ben was being, as if everything in the background was just what it is.. Background noise that was drowned out.

I stuffed my cookie in my mouth and reached over to the jar to grab another, while Ben took his damn time eating just one cookie while he texted on his phone using his left hand.

I craned my neck to look over and I saw that he was texting on group chat, but I couldn't make out who was in it. My curiosity was peaking, but it wasn't my business.

"How long does it take to eat one cookie. One!" I exasperated as the half bitten cookie stayed that way for more than twenty seconds. "Let me help you." I started reaching for his cookie but he just moved his hand away.

"What is it with you stealing my food?" He grit his teeth.

"I steal everyone's food, don't take it personally, sweetheart." I chortled as he ate the rest of his cookie and glared at me the entire time.

"You'd do so bad at the chicken nugget challenge." I teased and poked his ribs subconsciously.

"Honey, I'd smash that thing and you know it." He snickered, grabbing my wrists and moving them away. For the second time, his hands scathed mine. The first time was when I jokingly intwined his fingers with mine. I didn't want to let go, not now, not ever, even if his hands felt like fire against the ice that was my skin.

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