(the unofficial) Part 21

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(A/N) HIYA FOLKS ITS AngelicaNicole62442 (go follow me please i need attention to thrive) AND IM WRITING THIS KINDA ALTERNATE ENDING/NEW PART THINGY FOR ALL OF YOUR ENTERTAINMENT (so don't take it too seriously, please, roman will kill me) AND GUESS WHAT THE BEST PART IS? THIS CHAPTER DOESNT HAVE ROMANS PERMISSION/APPROVAL!!!! that means it's me taking control and he hasn't even read this yet mwahahahhah. BTW I haven't written anything since 2017 so let's pray this is good. OKIE DOKIE SHMOKIE POKIE LETS GET ON WITH IT

"Hey Will?" I asked my (new) boyfriend. Our hands still intertwined.


"Can we- uh- visit the Hades Cabin? There's someone who's basically bursting to do something right about now."

"Ooookayyy" Will replied slowly as I grasped his arm and shot up, dragging him up with me. I darted to he Hades Cabin, still dragging Will along. I kicked the door open, adding a dramatic flair.

"Angelica!!! Roman!! Get your as-" Will shot me a death glare, which, like I previously mentioned, never wanted to see again, "butts over here now!!"

Will looked absolutely flabbergasted at what he saw next. A blonde-but emo- 10 year old looking girl came up from the freaking floorboards and a guy (who even though is technically younger than he first one, looks older) came up from some hole he dug for himself.

The blonde- Angelica, gasped as her eyes lit up. "Do I really get to do this?" She said, practically bouncing.

"Do I still have to keep my promise?" Roman asked, giving me a is this seriously happening? Can I kill her now? look. Then shooting a death glare at Angelica, who gave a superior, horrifying death glare in return, making a stunned Will flinch.

"Yes you do, Roman. Now Will, if you would kindly escort the three of us to the infirmary, that would be great." I looked pleasingly up at the still surprised looking son of Apollo.

"I-Uh-Um- Sure??" He stuttered. Don't tell him that I thought it was adorable.

"Excellent." I said, gesturing for Angelica and Roman to follow Will and I.

We arrived at the infirmary and I quickly found Kayla. "I got the people, now show us the-"

"Say no more, Nico! Follow me, if you please." Kayla responded as I gestured the children of Hades to follow me, Will stumbled behind.

"How many people are in on this?" Will practically hissed. "Why wasn't I in on this? What are they even in on?!"

"Hush, Solace. Hush." I shushed him like he was a baby. He pouted and crosses his arms.

We arrived at our destination. Room 17 in the infirmary. I kindly told Will to wait outside and after a bit of stammering, I quickly said "Buh bye!" And shut and locked the door on him.

I locked eyes with Kayla as she clapped her hands and smiled. We looked around at the pouting Roman, the maniacal-looking Angelica, and the sleeping body who Kayla made sure was heavily dosed on Ambien before re-locking eyes with me.    "Let's do this."

~~time skip~~

We were done. I glanced around the room and saw Roman, wrapping the- uh- thing in cloth and waterproof material, Angelica smiling evilly with blood smeared all over her face ("YES! THE BLOOD OF MY ENEMIES!"), and Kayla, just looking proud.

"I'm satisfied with what we've done." I said, feeling like a boy scout leader, praising someone on their rent or something. I don't know I've never done boy scouts.

"ILL NEVER BE SATISFIED!" Angelica screeched, washing the blood off her hands and jerking her head from the sink to look at us with a super creepy look.

"I'm going to kill all of you guys." Roman remarked.

"Aw! Love you too!" Angelica said sweetly, bending backwards to look at Roman upside down, still washing her hands. Roman simply rolled her eyes and gestures to Kayla. "Grab the lower half?" Kayla nodded eagerly, and grasped the thing that was covered in waterproof covers, and headed out of the room with Roman. Angelica and I followed suit and walked out of the room, which we actually left spotless.

"Hey Will!" Angelica shouted cutely and gently. "Show me your cereal." She said, suddenly turning dead serious.

"Uh, okay?" Will replied, completely distracted by the bright blue covered thing. "Follow me, I guess." And he turned away. Good job, Angelica. Didn't think you had it in ya. I quietly followed, winking in Kayla and Romans's direction. 

As soon as we hit the cereal supply, there was almost a box of each cereal in her arms. (Will smiled when Angelica voiced her enthusiasm on the healthier cereals like plain Cheerios, and Raisin Brain, and actually flipped when Angelica added that the sugary cereals were even for her. Suck up.)

"Okay, there's one more cereal I need, then I gotta blast. Do you have Reese's Puffs?" Will nodded, then muttered something about being tricked into thinking he was buying cereal packed with "protein filled peanut butter". Will handed her the box, and started closing the rest of the extra boxes back into the cabinet.

"Thank you, Will!!! I gotta go to Rachels cave and surprise her with all of these (Rachel I swear i'll try to bring you Reese's Puffs tmr in school if we have them. OH WAIT WE DO AND IT COMES WITH A COLOR CHANGING STAR WARS SPOOON OH YEAHHH) so bye Will! Bye Neeks!" She started skipping away, muttering something about finding Percy and making him give her all the blueberry waffles he can find. She's weird, we try to ignore it.

Now it was just Will and I. Before he could say anything about he last hour or two, I grabbed him hand and dragged him back to the Hades Cabin, where we found Roman re-digging his hole.

"Nico. We gotta talk abou-" I cut Wills serious talk off with a kiss. Huh, almost forgot I could do that now.

"Let's just say that some old problems aren't problems anymore." I spoke. Apparently my answer was good enough for Will, because our silence lasted a whole ten minutes.

"Wait." Will started, breaking the beautiful silence. "Wasn't Jase in room 17?!?!?!"

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