Part 15

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(A/N) There is a reference to Conversion Thereapy in here. At let me tell you, what Jase is doing isn't nearly as bad.

How bad is it really, you ask? If you really want to know, check out my board. I just reposted the link to see the Twitter line.

It hurt.

Everything hurt. It was as if the boiling tongue of all flames in the world surrounding my body like a snake.

Jase had went all out this time. He had punched me to the ground, not caring if I could conceal the marks or not. Jase Lee had pulled a dagger from his pocket, making deep cuts on my arms, legs, and chest. But that wasn't even the worst.

All while doing the torture method of his, he laughed. He taunted me. He was a sadistic fuck, and that's final.

The dagger was slow to go down on me, slow to make the cut, and slow to start a new one. Jase made sure I would never forget the pain. He would yell how useless I am. How I'd be better off dead.

It was almost as bad as Conversion Therapy. Almost.

Once Jase had decided I had enough cuts, scars, bruises, and mental abuse, (or he just got bored) he left me alone on the floor. Pain searing through every inch of my body.

I was probably going to die from blood loss. I was probably going to die if I didn't die from blood loss, anyways.

Sure, I've always had depression. But I never went into dept about suicide once the Earth Mother was put back to sleep.

Jase had brought me back to that feeling. Feeling of worthlessness, just a waste of space, just something people use.

Will could be using me. But that wouldn't make sense. Why would he use me? What has he done to show any sign of me being used?

Well, he probably hates me. That probably a pity kiss or something.

Despite what Will might be thinking, he was the only person I wanted to see right now. I grabbed my phone, which was on my bed, unharmed. Pain shot through my body like Apollo's arrow.

Two unread messages from him.

Will: You okay?
Will: Nico I heard screams. Is Jase doing something?

I texted him back two simple words, getting a bit of blood on the vPhone.

Nico: Come here.

Any moment now, Will would barge through the door. He's see me shivering on he cold floor in a torn up shirt with blood covering me. He's kneel down next to me and ask what happened.

I'd shake my head and say nothing, because all I wanted right now was his embrace. His warm arms wrapped around me.

There was a light knock on the door.

"Come in," I said. My voice could go very high. It was scratchy from screams, too.

The door slowly creaked open. Then, footsteps darted towards me. Will's breathing was frantic, and mine was calm. I would accept death if that's what it came to.

"Nico!" He screamed, but my eyes were closing. My consciousness was fading away. "Nico, who did this?!" I felt his hands feel around for a pulse as he planted kisses on my cheeks, jaw, closed eyes, and lips. "Shit, shit, shit, shitshitshitshit," he whispered, getting faster with every word.

"Will," I chocked out.

Then the world went black. I couldn't be anymore.

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