Part 3

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My eyes snapped open, and I instantly groaned. My side hurt, my legs hurt, and my dignity was definitely hurt. I let a stupid hellhound take me down. And I was in the infirmary so just let me get a "hell yeah!"

"Well aren't you in a good mood," Will teased with a huge, goofy grin on his face.

"You look strange," I noted. "What's with the smile?"

"What?" Will asked. "I'm not allowed to smile?" I tried to read his eyes. He never put his walls up, or went stone faced, so it was always easy to tell what's going on inside Will's head.

I sighed. "I have to stay in this shitty place for three days again. Don't I?"

"Hey!" He yelled, putting a hand over his heart. "I take personal offence to that."


"And it's two days. I could make it three if you dare insult my cleaning." Will smirked, thinking he was victorious.

"You sound like Levi from Attack On Titan." My voice was bland, but Will knew when I was joking around and when I was serious. He's awesome like that.

"When did you get to see Attack On Titan?" Will sounded a little jealous.

"Friend showed me." I was sitting up in bed now, itching to leave. But oh, no. I have to stay today and tomorrow.

Will came and sat down on the edge of my bed, right next to my legs. "Oh, by the way," he started, "we got a new camper."

"Name?" I asked as Kayla pushed back the curtain. She was holding a bowl of cereal.

"You don't wanna know," Will promised, and thereby ending the conversation until Kayla left.

She handed me the cereal, glanced at Will -- maybe gave him a wink, too -- and then left without a word.

"Thanks, Kay!" I shouted. She gave me a stink face, showing me she wasn't very fond of her nickname.

I took a spoonful and watched as Will scrunched up his nose. "How do you eat that sugar coated... blegh!"

"How do you eat celery?" I shot back at him.

"Pardon me, celery is amazing!"

"So is Captain Crunch!" This was just one of the many things Will and I disagreed on. Cereal was awesome, in my opinion, and celery was for rabbits. "Besides," I said, pinching the skin on my arm. There was not one bit of fat there. "I could use gaining a few extra pounds."

"Keep eating that crud and you'll get there in no time," he mumbled.

"Anyhow," I said, "about this new camper?"

Will huffed, not wanting to let any viral information leak. "You won't like them."

"I don't like you."

"You don't like them more."

I sighed in defeat. "I am allowed to go to dinner, right?"

Will quickly inspected the bandaged covering my chest before he answered. "You seem healthy enough to."

"I'm gonna punch you if the camper is an Apollo kid." I cracked my knuckles menacingly, but all Will did was laugh; the dork.

"Mhm, well, you will have to sit at the Apollo table. There'll be bandages for when you brutally destroy me." Will rolled his eyes, then left the room.

I ate my cereal in peace from then on. No Will Solace to make snide remarks about it.

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