Part 14

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(A/N) I'm gonna be disappointing a lot of you in this chapter.
But who knows? Never trust me.
I'm gonna be making a lot of you proud in this chapter.
Or am I?
Who knows?

School was boring. Jase chased me under the bleachers. Will came to give me a hug and chocolate. And then it was time to go home.

Well, to Camp for us.

Will and I always shadow traveled home, seeing as I needed to exercise my powers and it wasn't that far. Great for power practice.

"So," Will said, lying down next to me on my bed, "how was your Happy Meal?"

"Shut the fuck up," I snapped, pointing a stern finger at him. He gave me an innocent grin. I stared at his eyes for a few minutes longer than I was probably suppose to as he thought of something to say.

I'm not saying I stare at him a lot, I'm just saying I've practically memorized every dent and curve, every angle and freckle in his face.

Will whispered something inaudible. I was glad Jase was off being an ass to another camper right now, because Will's face turned a cherry red.

"What was that?" I asked, my voice a little teasing.

He looked at me from under his eyelashes, the right side of his face was pressed against our pillow. His eyes sparkled with seduction.

My breath was knocked out of me. If he didn't change that hot look, I'd die soon.

Then, in solemn, honest, and hella sexy words, he spoke, "You know you love me."

I coughed, choking a little. Heat rushed up to my face, because, well, he wasn't lying.

"You don't know that." Gods dammit, why can't I just....

My thoughts got lost as Will inched closer.

"Will?" I exclaimed in a questioning manner. My breathing stopped for a minute as our noses touched at the tips. He was so close.

He was right there.

I could close the gap separating our lips.

And he'd be mine.

Our bookbag sat on the floor near the door. Homework we had planned to do, totally forgotten. I moved a shaky hand, placing it gently on Will's face. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, moving his hand to place in the center of my back.

"You're right," I whispered. My breath washed over him, and I prayed to every god imaginable that it smelled decent.

"I know," he breathed. Well, at least his breath had a minty smell to it. "Doctors tend to know best." He leaned a bit closer to me. His lips brushed against mine as he let out a soft sigh. Teasing me.

"Fuck you." I smiled, something I rarely did anymore. But Will deserved all the smiles in the world. He deserved the world.

"We'll get to that later." My face turned from cherry to blood in a matter of however long it took for Will to say those five words.

Without warning, Will lightly placed his lips on mine, turning me into an even redder with blush mess. He started kissing me. I was still a little unsure at first.

But then I kissed back.

Because this is Will Solace. He's the best thing in this world right now. He practically is the world. The least I can do to repay him for being... him (and pleasure myself a little) is kiss him.

And possibly be his boyfriend, sleep with him, et cetera -- later, though. After this kiss, because damn, this is the best thing that's happened in a while.

But as soon as I start craving for something a little than the kiss, there's a loud bang of the Hades Cabin door being slammed shut and we jump apart.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GAY SHIT HAPPENING?!" Jase is red with fury. I know what's coming to me. "YOU TWO TRYING TO SUMMON HELL ITSELF IN HERE?!"

I shouldn't have done this.

I should have just pat his head and declare him Best Friend Will and nothing more. But no, I had to follow my heart and probably gonna end up getting all my bones broke.

"Will, you should go," I said, my voice going to an octave higher. I whimpered as I imagined what was going to happen to me, and nearly screamed at the thought of Will watching. "This is family matters. Don't get involved."

Will cast me a worried look, but left non-the-less.

I dropped to my knees, ready to take whatever Jase was going to give me.

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