Chapter 16

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Hey everyone! I know it’s been soooo long, but school and all, I sort of forgot about this story. But as long as I get support, I’ll write, since I do have so much fun. I know this is a pretty boring chapter, but it’s setting up for the next one which will, I assure you, be epic! So thanks for everyone sticking by me! :D

Chapter 16

“Rise and shine sleepy head!” A high shrill voice pierced my ears.

My eyes flew open and I was staring up at the twins, Jessica and Jamie.

Sun was streaming in through my open window and I pulled my pillow over my face, not wanting to wake up.

Suddenly little hands grabbed my arms and dragged me off the bed.

THUMP! “Owwwww!” I moaned as I hit the cold floor.

Jessica stood, hands on hips, with a frustrated look. “We asked nicely!”

I slowly got to my feet. “What the hell are you waking me up this early for?”

Jamie rolled her eyes. “It’s 7:00 clock, that’s not early. And guess what!”

“What?” I muttered uninterested.

“WE’RE GOING TO DIZZYLAND!” The both screamed in complete unison.

“Isn’t that place for like 6 year olds?” I asked, wondering why they were so excited.

“No! It’s the awesomest-“

“Most amazing!”

“Breathing taking!”

“Awe inspiring!”

“THEME PARK EVER!!!” I blocked my ears, trying to save myself from their screaming voices.

I rubbed my eyes. “So what you’re saying is you woke me up so we could go to some stupid amusement park?”

They both frowned. “Didn’t we make it clear? It’s the awesomest, most amazing-“

“I get it!” I interrupted them before it could all start again.

They both smiled. “And you’re coming!”

“Look, I’ve got work to do…“

Their eyes narrowed and I trailed off, slightly scared of the pure evil standing in front of me.

I took a slow step to the side of them, trying to indiscreetly make my way to the door, but their glares followed, making me freeze.

“Mum said!” Jamie moaned, pouting and on the verge of a tantrum.

Jessica nodded in agreement with her twin.

I let out a long sigh. “And why can’t mum go with you?”

They both suddenly got hearts in their eyes. “Because Jacob’s coming!”

I stayed quiet, waiting for them to explain.

Jamie frowned at my confused expression. “She wants you to make up with him over…you know, his friends beating you up”

“I’m not mad at him over that anymore!” I exclaimed unhappily, yet feeling like I’d already lost this battle.

They both looked at their feet and muttered something quiet.

“What?” I asked suspiciously.

“Nate’s coming alright! There I said it!” Jamie screeched loudly, making me jump.

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