M83: Hurry Up, We're Dreaming- Outro

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When did I stop seeing the beauty in the world?

Why does this song bring back that beauty?

It lives up to the outro name, giving you that "finally" feeling.

For me, it's "conquer the world"

It's hold onto your seats its going to be a bumpy ride,

But holy shit is the destination gratifying.

It's the slow motion walk up the stairs to the throne.

It's the song that should be played after overcoming every obstacle or demon ever thrown at you.

It should be played as they're lowering me into the ground.

It's a beginning to an end.

Chills and tears.

It's the mood for any adventure that gets your adrenaline pumping,

Along with that shit eating grin when you know what's coming;

And boy is it going to be fantastic.

It's 2 am moonlit walks on a rooftop of a gigantic city that doesn't give you the satisfaction of a sideways glance.

It's playing manhunt at midnight with the entire neighborhood,

The gut feeling when you run from the person that's "it"

Sonder emotion runs through you like lava;

Envy of heros and rulers,

Saviors and vigilantes.

Main characters of your own life; story; legend.

It's motivation.

It's the want- the need to do more.

To be something-

Something great.

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