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Don't try to buy my love

Win it

By being original

By being you

I'm a corny son of a bitch

I live my life in books

I can be dramatic in my own head

Any day has the potential to be a fairytale

Those are the days where I'm full of hope

And life

When my eyes are bright.

I love colorful things

Pastels and autumn colors.

I love scarves

And long walks on the beach.

No really, I like the serenity of it

Not just the walk

But the feeling of the sand

The shells on the beach, scattered

The brisk sea foam as it tickles you every few seconds

The sounds of seagulls mulling around for food

The sound of the water

The beautiful fade from pale to white to blue.

I love sunsets

Every evening it's different

Even if it looks the same

So many colors

Vibrantly dancing about the sun.

My favorite human emotion is sentiment

Because when someone is sentimental,

I feel that's when they are bound to make the best decision.

When we are most human is when we feel sentiment.

It's like Deja vu love.

It gives you a warm feeling, and your diaphragm feels like it's empty.

Your eyelids become soft and a small smile never fails to grace your lips

It's when we are most kind

And most forgiving.

I love books

Specifically fiction

There's never a dull moment, and there are plenty of places to escape.

Poetry pulls at my soul

Lang Leav, Rupi Khar, Michael Faudet, Amanda Lovelace, R. H. Sin, Neil Hilborn, Samantha King, Alexandra Elle, etc.

They helped me fall in love with reading all over again.

I like the color blue

Because it remind me of home

It's comfortable

It's staying inside under the covers for a day or two

It's what my insides look like

Calm and laid back like the ocean

But it can become rage at any moment

I like taking pictures

To capture a moment before it's gone forever

I like capturing the sky

And nature

Family and friends

They don't even have to look professional

They just have to be taken

Because it's a memory

Memories are important to me

I have a terrible one but the ones I do have make me who I am

My story

My life

My love

It is not bought

It is given

Unconditionally and potent as hell.

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