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I have a thing for boys with blue eyes.

Blue is my favorite color,

Bright blue,

Dark blue,

And all the blues in between.

The color of your breath when the cold front hits,

The sky as it opens up for the heavens.
The water as it fall into the sea.

The cigarette smoke from the kid who's parents abused him,

It's the flash in the army kids eyes as you deny his heart before he leaves,

It's the ice in the glass that holds the vodka,

The empty text message from the guy you can barely remember,

It's the tears that the boy who lied will never see,

It's the feeling set inside your bones with a frost like pattern as the fuck buddy you accidentally fell for says he found someone better.

It's silent screams, and loud unblinking eyes.

It's heartbreak, it's holding your tongue.

It's burying your emotions as they stare up at the sky,

And the only color that stands out the most.

I fall for boys with blue eyes.

Blue is my favorite color.

It's the only one that tries to drown me while telling me to take a breath of fresh air.

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