I Don't Want To Do That To You

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I never realized how much it hurts to have your hopes crushed

I didn't realize how hopeful I actually was to see you

I couldn't see myself being emotionally attached to someone I didn't talk to

I couldn't see myself getting hurt by you

Even when you didn't mean it intentionally

I didn't want to cry,

or sob,

or bite my lip as I sat in my car
after you left

I didn't realize that me waiting for you didn't affect you as much as it did me

Five months of waiting for someone I actually wanted to try with

It hurts to get your hopes crushed

It's hurts to feel like I am not worth waiting for

Not worthy being faithful to

How is it I am willing to wait weeks



For someone I barely know

But you can't give me the light of day

because you don't think you can date someone so far away.

Why get my hopes up

Why kiss me

This was the last attempt

I'm done,




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