Bonus Chapter 2: August

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Hey everyone! I would like to start off by saying thanks to TheFandomsReturned for giving me the name idea of August! Make sure to check out her story because it is so similar to mine and it is so AMAZING!

*Gus's POV*

Ashley had August exactly one month ago, and I can't believe she is here. It is so crazy to think that I am a dad and that I met my wife so many years ago. It's great that she had met my mom though. It's still so weird that I don't have her in my life. She was such a strong women. 

"Wait! Maybe she is hungry?" I ask Ashley as I rock our screaming and crying baby. We though being parents would come to us a lot easily, but we have no clue what to do. If my mom who was dying of cancer could do it, we can do it. At least I have another person helping. 

"I just made her a bottle and she wouldn't take it. Maybe we need to change her diaper?" Ashley asks. She takes August out of my arms and checks her diaper. "Nothing!"

"Maybe she is just really tired." I say. We did try to put her to bed for twenty minutes and she still wouldn't go to sleep. Ashley rocks August and tries to calm her down. We both sit down on the bed and Ashley hands August to me. I lie August down on my chest and she stops crying and falls right asleep.

"You're kidding me!" Ashley laughs. I look at August in shock. 

"She must have gotten too tired from crying!" I say. We both laugh and August wakes right back up and starts crying again. Ashley grabs her pink pacifier and puts it in her mouth. She stops crying but is still a cranky baby.

"This is going to be harder than I thought." I say. 

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