Chapter 10

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Two months later

It's officially been two months since my surgery and I feel great. The symptoms are finally gone and I can hold Gus without having to sit down from being tired or having aching feet. I reach under my bed and grab the scrapbook my mom gave me. I open it to the first page and flip the page to the second. I see me as a child. I flip through the pages until it lands on a picture of Augustus and I. It was us in Amsterdam. In the background is the Anne Frank house, where Augustus and I had shared our first kiss. 

I flip it to the next page. I take a deep breath and hold in my tears. I see Gus sitting on his father's grave. He doesn't know a body is underneath him, I don't even know if I ever will have the guts to tell him what happened to his father. I guess I will wait until he gets older and actually asks me. 

"Momma," I hear from the crib on the side of my bed. I look over to Gus laughing in his crib. I swear he was asleep two seconds ago. 

"What was that?" I ask in shock. I laugh at myself for trying to communicate with a baby, but to my luck it worked and I hear Gus say 'Momma' again. I rush out of my bed to get my parents. They rush up to my room to see Gus mumbling 'Momma' over and over again. 

"Take a picture, Hazel!" my mom says. I take a picture of Gus. 

"One new entry for my scrapbook!" I laugh. 

My parents hold Gus and keep asking him to say it again, but he won't. He just starts giggling and spitting up. I wish Augustus were here to see this. 

Hiya! I am going to be skipping through time in this story, so sorry if you don't like that. I want to have every chapter (starting now) as another 'entry' in Hazel's scrapbook. I hope that's not too comfusing! This was Gus' first word(: 

AND. . . THANKS SO MUCH FOR 2,000 READS!!! I never thought this would happen! Thanks so much!

Also, if you ever wanna message me some ideas, feel free! 

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