Chapter 5

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Today is the first day home with Gus. My parents thought they could leave me alone with him so they are downstairs. Looking at Gus, I see the big blue eyes and brown hair. He's a miniature Augustus Waters. He's sleeping in my room until we can renovate some more and transform the bonus room into a nursery.

Gus has been an easy baby so far, I've been able to read my book with him asleep in my arms. Isaac is coming over in a few to visit him. So right now, it's Gus and I. I decide to pull out my letters to Augustus since I have written to him in a while.

Dear Augustus,

It's official, we are parents of an eight pounder. He's got your eyes and I will see your cheekbones here and there. Mostly when he cries. I wish you were here to see him. Isaac is coming over today and your parents will be coming over tonight for dinner.  

Well, Isaac is here and Gus needs to be changed and fed. Please watch over us, I'm going to need it. Last night was terrible! I got like two hours of sleep.  

Love you, Augustus Waters. I still have a fetish for you(:


Hazel Grace

My mom knocks on my ajar door and brings in Isaac. She sets him down on the bed and leaves with her perky smile.

"Hey Isaac." I say feeding Gus the half empty bottle he never finished from earlier.

"How you doing?" Isaac asks. He fiddles with his hands awkwardly at the end of my bed.

"Good, sometimes. Last night was terrible! Gus wouldn't sleep!" I say. Gus finishes his bottle and I lift him up to my shoulder over the burping pad to burp him. I gently pat his back and it actually startles Isaac.

"What are you doing? Murdering the baby?" He shouts in confusion.

"Ha-ha, no. I'm burping him. I'll let you hold him after this." I say as Gus lets out a burp and some spit-up. I move over to Isaac and gently set Gus into his arms with Gus's neck supported by Isaac's arm.

"Be careful, keep your right arm like that because it's supporting his neck." I say being a supportive mother.

"He feels so tiny." Isaac laughs.

"He's tiny, but he sure is able to let out a loud cry at night. So annoying." I say being the annoyed mother.

Isaac laughs and looks down, even though he can't see anything. Isaac says, "What does he look like?"

I feel bad for Isaac, I forgot he can't exactly see Gus. I mean, I remembered he was blind and all, but I guess I didn't exactly think he'd ask or even care. . .

"He's got," I start. I don't want to make it a long description like Isaac is missing out on a whole lot, so I keep it simple, "he looks exactly like Augustus."

Isaac uses his left hand to touch Gus's stomach gently. He gently raises his hand to his right arm supporting the neck and reaches up for his hair. Isaac gently smoothes Gus's hair.

"He's got a lot of hair for being a week old." Isaac says. He keeps touching Gus's hair.

"Yeah, he sure does." I say back.

"I wish I could remember being this small."

I wish I do too. That would be cool, being able to remember your oblivious thoughts as a baby. Or your frightening experience of seeing the world for the first time. I wonder what Gus though when he saw me. Who knows, he's only a baby.

"Yeah, that'd be amazing." I say.

"Like, was I a clueless baby who just thought my mom was going to eat me? Or did I actually think about the fact that I just got squeezed out of a women." Isaac laughs.

"Oh Isaac, babies aren't that smart." I laugh at him.

"Well, that'd be pretty amazing if they were able to think of that stuff."

"That would be amazing. It's also amazing how my whole world is small enough to be in your arms."

I look at Gus and remember all the things I did with Augustus. Amsterdam, video games, throwing the trophies, talking on the phone, reading, everything comes to mind. Even his death. My love left, yet another love just came. I thought my life was done. He's gone, but no. This is only the beginning of a new Gus Waters chapter.

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