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It was the middle of January now and I could feel my mind wandering back to my friends at home. It'd been over a month since I'd been back to America, since I'd been home. I never thought I would miss it. But I missed Lillie, I missed Matt, I missed Yvonne, and I missed Terry.

Harry and I went to the park for a walk, I couldn't help but feel homesick

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Harry and I went to the park for a walk, I couldn't help but feel homesick. England had been great. London was beautiful and one of the best experiences I'd ever had, but it wasn't home.

Explaining to Harry about how I felt was hard, but he was receptive and understood my feelings. As soon as we went back to his apartment in London, he booked us a flight home.

On the drive to the airport, we quietly listened to music in the car with Geoffrey. Harry hummed along and I found myself wondering why he didn't pursue something closer to his talents, like singing.

"Harry, why did you want to join the FBI?" I asked him as we drove further down the expressway. It'd been a lingering question in the back of my head for a while.

But I had more questions and I couldn't keep them from coming out of my mouth, "Is there others like Dr. Topalli experimenting on us?"

"There's people a lot worse than Dr. Topalli. And I joined the FBI to gain intel on the United States' progress of intelligence on Strange," he answered and my mouth dropped open catching flies.

"You were spying?" I frowned feeling uncomfortable.

What if he was spying on me? What if he was spying on the last of the Kirkland bloodline? What if he didn't really like me? What if this whole entire experience with him in the last six months was manipulated and fake? But I knew questions like this weren't true. Harry was true to himself and honest with me this last month or two. He would have told me by now if we were a set up manipulated by him.

"I was trying to," he sighed and looked out the window squeezing my hand in his. "Someone has to..." he mumbled under his breath.

"For who?" I continued pressing further. His face grew serious and I realized just how intense this was for him to explain.

"For myself, for my family, for Strange, for Normals, for everyone," he shrugged, but spoke matter-of-factly, like he didn't understand why I couldn't grab the concept of his motives.

"For the British?" I asked wondering if he was more worried for his native country, or for us all. 'Us' as in the Strange.

"Not just for the British, Emilia," Harry sighed becoming more and more frustrated with my worried perspective.

"Why haven't you said anything before?" I asked feeling a tad upset about this information.

"Well I'm answering it now because I'm trying to protect you and be honest. I don't want to hide things from you. And I never brought it up before because I knew you wouldn't be happy about it and you would question if I was spying on you," he raised his voice a smidgen before taking a calming breath between sentences.

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