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The entire night consisted of foreplay. And by the time Harry and I were ready to commit, it seemed like everything was trying to stop us.

His phone kept ringing. After the third call, we were both naked, making out in the bed when I pulled away from him.

 After the third call, we were both naked, making out in the bed when I  pulled away from him

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"It's probably important," I said out of breath with my chest pumping up and down.

Harry cursed under his breath and crawled out of bed butt ass naked to accept his phone call. I watched him pull the phone off the bedside table and saw Scarlett's name and picture light up the screen. Instant shame and sadness poured over me and my heart clenched.

"What?" he answered the phone while lifting a pair of boxers off the floor and sticking his legs through them.

He excused himself out of the bedroom to speak to his ex and I was left alone. I knew it wasn't his intention to make me feel so forgotten, but I did and it was my own insecurities making me feel so small.

Tears threatened to spill but I refused to let them. Scarlett was always going to try and push into him. She would never get over him.

It took forever for him to come back, so I got out of bed and put my leggings, sweater and socks back on. As I sat on the bed pulling my thermal socks on my feet, Harry opened the bedroom door to see me getting ready for bed.

I sighed as I slipped the last sock on and carefully walked past him trying not to slip on the hardwood floor. He sighed too, probably feeling guilty and upset. I took my toothbrush and put some paste on it.

I stayed silent and I knew it was scaring Harry.

"It was Scarlett," he walked to the bathroom and leaned onto the doorframe. "She was calling to make sure I was ok. Apparently I worried a lot of people at work today."

I continued to brush my teeth trying to hide my emotions.

"She's not..." he paused as he re-thought his word choice. "Emilia, I ended things with her because we were toxic together. I wasn't a good person when I was with her. We didn't help each other grow as individuals and that's what I'm looking for now. I want someone to help me be a better version of myself. I want to be challenged."

"Ok," I shrugged my shoulders and I could see his confusion sweep across his face.

"Ok?" he clarified. He wasn't sure why I wasn't putting up a fight about it.

Truth be told, I just didn't have the energy to cry anymore. My emotions were always in tune with everyone else's and with Harry I didn't have to feel so many things at once. All I had were my own emotions and what I perceived would be his. It was easy. So I let myself feel numb.

"Do you want to go back to bed?" Harry walked into the bathroom behind me and curled his cold arms around my waist.

"When I'm done brushing my teeth and taking my make up off," I said with a mouth full of toothpaste and toothbrush bristles.

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