For Family

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I took a deep breath, grateful that the curse had broken and hoping Rumple would understand my hasty actions. Immediately, I teleported myself to the car then drove to our house. Hopefully Regina would have her hands tied at the moment; so, Rumple and I could plan our next steps together.

As I walked in the door, Rumple came running down the stairs. He looked concerned, but his face smoothed as he saw me. He wrapped me into his arms.

"Rumple," I said as I broke from our embrace and glanced around the room, "where are Leonidas Myles and Rosilina?"

I knew I shouldn't be paranoid, but, with the whole town awake and Regina having her magic, it wasn't too much to say that our children had a target on their backs. I saw Rumple motion towards their nursery and began to run. As if by a mother's instinct, I could tell my children were in danger.

As I burst through the door, I saw a dark haired woman in all black holding Leonidas Myles and Rosilina. The woman spun slowly to me with a false smile plastered onto her face. Her dark eyes glowed with evil satisfaction.

"You really should watch your children more carefully." Rumple gasped behind me as he entered the room and I heard him breath out the word 'mother.' I stared the woman down and went to freeze her in place, but, before I could, she threw a powder in my direction.

I quickly ducked, but Rumple, who wasn't able to see her slight of hand, was hit squarely in the chest with her dust. Turning to him, I saw that he'd been frozen in place. Unable to help him without risking our children's lives, I quickly turned back to the lady.

"Now, now - I don't intend to cause my dear son or grandchildren any harm." Her voice was teasing and her eyes narrowed, "however, you are in the way of my happiness."

I held my ground, unwilling to be tricked by her twisted mind games. My face was stern and my stance strong. Yet, all of that melted away as she spoke her next words.

"I'm going to make a simple deal with you," she sneered towards me. "In exchange for your children's lives, which are precariously held within my arms, I will take yours."

"So long as my children and husband are safe," I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes. I couldn't help but imagine the pain Rumple would feel from me going; we had promised each other forever. I saw my dreams of helping Leonidas Myles and Rosilina grow fly out of the window, and the agony killed me before she could even lay a hand on me. "Deal."

"Excellent," she smiled, still holding onto my children. "Any last words for your babies or Rumple before you go? I may be cruel, but I am civilized. Go ahead - say your last words."

With a nod of my head, I turned to Rumple and embraced his frozen figure. I whispered my apologies for not being able to do more, and told him how much I loved him. I reminded him not to blame himself, and pleaded for him to be a good father to our children.

Knowing time was precious, I then turned to my babies. She refused to give them to me, but I laid kisses on their heads and whispers in their ears as they were in her arms. I whispered to them that I loved them and told them I would do my best to watch over them. I asked them to grow strong and pleaded with them to remember that I believed in them. I cried as I told them to follow what their father told them and gave them one last kiss.

"The circumstances are unfortunate," I could almost see a tinge of regret on the woman's face. "I would have loved to have you as a daughter-in-law."

I went to tell her that it wasn't too late - that we could be a family if only she let go of my children and brought no harm. My heart longed to stay with them. I would say or do anything for that. Yet, she cut me off before I had a chance to speak.

"Take out your heart and crush it." She smirked as she spoke, and I could see the darkness settle into her eyes. No amount of talk would convince her to spare my life.

"I will, but, once I take my heart out and begin to squeeze, you must put my children in their cribs." I squared my shoulders and stood firm. "My last moments with them will not be with you holding them."

With annoyance, she gave a slight roll to her eye and set both Leonidas and Rosilina into their cribs. Yet, she held fireballs above their heads, as if she was ready to kill. Perhaps I would have been able to defeat her, but I couldn't risk their lives.

I stared at my children as I pulled my heart from my chest. Knowing I'd be unable to squash it fast enough in my hand, I set it on the floor. I took a deep, last breath as I raised my foot high.

"This is for my family." Tears poured out down my cheeks and I closed my eyes tightly. The last thing I remembered was forcing my foot down - then, all went white.

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