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Much to the displeasure of Dr. Hill and Mr. Gold, I set my counseling for the abortion to the next day and the abortion to be the day after. The doctor said if I didn't stay on strict bed rest, I could go into premature labor. Which meant I needed to take the rest of the week off of work.

I considered staying at the hospital, but didn't want to risk an encounter with Whale. I didn't need him finding out that I was pregnant with his kids. I didn't need or want his opinion in any of this.

Mr. Gold again extended his offer for me to stay with him, and I hesitantly accepted. I didn't want to be a burden, but was extremely thankful that he was willing to take me in.

Dr. Hill told me to get up as little as possible - short walks from the bed to the bath or kitchen was fine, but not much more. She said I could recline and watch movies or read, but I shouldn't even sit straight up. Apparently I even needed to take baths instead of showers. I felt embarrassed to be so weak, and I couldn't believe just a few hours ago I was running, dancing, and singing with friends.

The doctor and Mr. Gold talked for awhile longer - I supposed she was telling him how to take care of me. I looked down and rubbed my stomach. Was I making the right decision?

If I weren't sick and had the money, maybe I could keep the pregnancy and at least give them up for adoption. Even if I just wasn't sick and could keep working, then it could work out. I was lost in thought when I felt a hand tap my shoulder.

I looked over and saw a wheelchair. "[y/n], the hospital insists for us to use this on our way to the car." I sighed and nodded to Mr. Gold and he helped me off of the bed and into the chair.

Evidently, while I was debating my future, Mr. Gold had pulled his car around and prepared for me to go with him. We got to the car in a decent amount of time. I got up and laid in the passenger seat - he'd already reclined it for me.

A nurse took the wheelchair and Mr. Gold sat next to me. He turned to me and I took his hand. "I'm sorry for all of this." I whispered and looked down. "Do you mind if we stop by my apartment? I'll call ahead and ask Mary to prepare a small suitcase for me."

"I don't mind at all," Mr. Gold gave my hand a reassuring squeeze then started the car. "It'll all be alright, dearie. No matter what you choose, it'll be just fine."

With that I took in a deep breath and called Mary Margaret, she answered halfway through the first ring.

"[y/n]! Are you okay?" Her voice was laced with concern. "Are you on your way back?"

I let out a small sigh, "Mary - it's complicated. I'm on strict bed rest. Do you mind making me a small bag? Mr. Gold will be picking it up shortly."

"Oh, [y/n], what's going on?" I looked ahead and put my whole will into sounding calm - I didn't want her to panic.

"I'm just a little sick, but I'll be better in a couple of days. I'll tell you more soon."

After that I asked her to pack the essentials - comfortable clothes, hairbrush, toothbrush, and a small box of things I loved. She leant me a couple of books as well. It only took fifteen minutes to get to the apartment and Mr. Gold had grabbed everything in five minutes. After another twenty, we were at his house.

He led me straight to a gorgeous room that he said I could use. There was a queen size bed with a luxurious comforter and pillows. I breathed in the view - it was gold, cream, and white. This room was fit for a princess. As I stepped in, the lush, soft carpet covered my toes - I felt as if I were walking on a cloud. I took a seat on the edge of the bed and set my belongings down.

I turned to look at Mr. Gold and motioned for him to sit next to me. He sat with his back against the pillows and headboard, and I reclined against him. He arms secured me against him and I couldn't help but wonder why he was so kind to me.

Golden Hope: Mr. Gold X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें