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"Rapunzel," his voice was sweet and he cupped my cheek in his hand. We were laying in bed after a long night of making love. I turned to face him with a lazy smile on my face. He looked at me in adoration and I felt my face blush; I was so happy he was mine. "You look lovely this morning."

In response I kissed him and tucked myself underneath his arm. I drew slow, small circles across his chest with my fingers and intertwined my legs with his. I felt him begin to play with my hair and I giggled a bit.

"You look handsome." I replied after some time had passed by. As my morning grogginess subsided, I remembered the significance of this day and my heart dropped. I hugged him tightly, wishing my arms could keep him by my side, but I knew this would be the day we parted for a long while. He returned my embrace and tears began to form in my eyes. "Rumple~"

My voice had gone shaky and my eyes began to water. I pressed my cheek against his chest. I understood that he needed to go in order to find his son, but I couldn't bear the idea of being away from him for twenty-eight years or even longer.

In a few months, Regina would be ready to cast the curse. In order to gather information and make final preparations, Rumple was going to let Snow White and Prince Charming take him as a prisoner. It tore me apart to think of him being behind bars, but I couldn't stand in his way of finding his child.

"We'll see each other again and be a family." His words meant to reassure me, but I felt only distress that we couldn't be family now. I didn't reply; instead, I took comfort in the steady thump of his heartbeat.

Rumple and I agreed that while he lived in the cursed land then found his son, I would go and take my kingdom from my parents. I would overthrow them for their mistreatment of me and their people. In their place I would bring peace and care. Once Rumple found his son, he would rejoin me in my kingdom and he would join me as king over the land.

After a pause, Rumple unwound himself from me and got ready to go. I sat up and watched him, blinking back my tears. Once ready he sat beside me, and I wrapped my arms around him as if we could stay like this forever.

"I want to go with you." My voice was coarse with agony, and I could feel my body start to shake. "Please, I don't want to live without you."

Rumple tensed then sighed. I knew we had discussed this many times, but I couldn't hold back my words. I knew that it made more sense for me to escape the curse and save my kingdom, but my heart begged me to stay with Rumple. I felt him begin to pull away, but I held tighter.

"No! I can't do this." I sobbed as he held me tight. He gently kissed my head and remained quiet for a long time. I knew he wanted what was best for us, but I doubted he understood that he was what was best for me.

As we were embracing like this, Rumple tilted my head up and gave me a passionate kiss. One hand went to the small of my back and the other behind my head. When we broke away he gazed into my eyes, whispered he loved me then disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke.

I stayed where he left me. Hours passed before I left the bed, days until I ventured from the bedroom, and weeks until I moved on from the Dark Castle. In his departure, it felt as though Rumple took my heart with him.

As these painful memories swirled in my mind, I felt hot tears pour down my face and heard the bathroom door open. I brushed away my tears as quickly as I could, and turned to my husband. He had a robe in one hand and came to help me from the tub. When he offered his hand, I took it and gracefully climbed up and over to him.

Ignoring my wet state, I hugged him as he placed the robe over my shoulders. Again, he kissed my head and swooped me into his arms - unfazed by his now damp clothes. When we got to the bed, he set me on the edge and helped me to pull the robe on.

"Rapunzel, what's going on?" His voice was soft yet anxious. He sat beside me and I sunk into him. My emotions were conflicted between relying on Rumple as support and pushing away from him for leaving me in the Enchanted Forest. I knew my anger towards him was irrational, so I bit my tongue and remained quiet. After a brief silence, Rumple spoke up.

"Why don't we talk over breakfast?" He walked over to the dresser and grabbed the plates he'd set on top. "I'm not exactly a cook, but I hope your omlette is appetizing."

I couldn't help but smile at his genuine nature, then laugh because of the scrambled eggs he called an omlette. He had mixed eggs, cheese, tomato, and spinach together and even added a slice of toast as a side. It did smell and look delicious.

"Why thank you, love." I gave him an appreciative smile. "I don't think I've seen a breakfast that looks more delicious than this one!"

He chuckled to me and we enjoyed our breakfast in bed. Once we were done, Rumple set our dishes to the side and reclined on the bed for me to lay with him. I placed my hips between his legs and set my head on his shoulder with my face towards the ceiling.

Rumple traced my arms up and down with his hands, but I could tell something was on his mind. His eyes looked slightly dazed and he bit his lip slightly.

"Why are you here in Storybrooke?" I supposed I should have expected that question. After all, I was supposed to be in Corona as the new ruler.

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